Chapter 8

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Hey-o! How are ya? Hope you're doing well!

Well, this is the 8th chapter, surprisingly. I mean, I didn't think I'd even make it this far!

Thanks for supporting this story so far! I'll try to upload them quicker!

Now, onto the story!

After a while, Grandpa Roma soon returned, along with Lovino and Antonio. The doctor returned a few moments later, just as everyone had begun to sit down. Fratello didn't sit anywhere near Nonno, though. He didn't even bother to look at him. As I chewed the bottom of my lip, Mrs. Laura cleared her throat, which caused us all to give our attention to her.

"I see you all are ready to go," She began, before she gave a small nod in Nonno's direction. He nodded back, before he turned his head to stare out the large window. "If you will sign this, Feliciano, you'll be able to leave."

"Ve, OK!" I replied, before I put on the cheerful front once more. As she gave me the clipboard, I reached out my hand to take the pen. I scribbled my name onto the line, before I returned the piece of paper to her.

"Have a good night, gentlemen," Mrs. Laura gave one last nod, before she turned to the door. Everyone else began to get up as well, me being the last one. As I clambered out the bed, my hands flew out, and clutched onto Grandpa for support. In response, he gripped my shoulder reassuringly, and helped me to the door. As I turned my head, I caught Lovino's eye, only for him to turn away with a huff, and gravitated closer to Antonio.

"Come on, nipote," Nonno spoke softly, as his hand rustled my hair. "Let's go get that pasta you wanted."

Eventually, we had all arrived into the parking lot. Cars littered the painted ground, and large lampposts illuminated the lot. Antonio soon looked around for a few moments, before he fished in his pocket. Soon, a jingle was heard as he pulled out his car keys. His thumb smoothed over the button, and he then pressed down on it. A few moments later, the sound of loud beeping echoed through the place, as backlights flashed.

"Oi, meet you there, right?" Antonio asked, his body turned in the direction of the flashing car.

"Si," Nonno replied. Lovino soon began to walk towards Antonio, before he let out a sigh.

"I'll be riding with Antonio, chigi," he spoke, though he avoided Grandpa's eyes. Grandpa gave another nod, before we both went to his car.

As I opened the car door, I slipped inside quietly, before I clicked on the seat belt. The door was then shut, and it wasn't long before Nonno got in, too. He turned the keys and then started up the car, before he drove out the parking lot. With nothing to do, I decided to preoccupy myself. That ended up to be me staring out the window. Roads zoomed passed us, and other cars came and went as we drove. Soon, Grandpa drove to another parking lot, and parked the car.

"The other two should be here soon. Let's go inside. It's getting chilly out here!" He spoke, his head turned to look at me. I gave a happy nod, and we soon headed into the building. As I stared at everything, I made out a title, which was plastered onto the front of the place.


My eyes widened when I realized where we were. Vertigo was one of the finest pasta restaurants into the entire district! I couldn't help but shake with glee as we entered the place. I couldn't wait to eat their special Supremo Pasta! I'd heard it was the best around!

As we got to the front, a man behind a desk looked up at us. While Grandpa and the waiter conversed, I stared at the many paintings mounted on the wall. Some were colorful, others were black and white. A lot of them were classical. Soon, a tug was felt on my hand, which caused my head to turn.

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