Chapter 24: The dreaded interruption

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Annabeth poured over the words again, scanning the letter for any ulterior motives.

Her aunt had written to her to return by sunset tomorrow, effectively ending her time in Olympus before she got any answers.

Why does she want me back? Is it because of the shipments? she thought, clenching her fists with irritation.

Queen Minerva had also given her specific instructions related to her shipments, which King Zeus had apparently already readied.

It was happening dreadfully fast.....which raised her suspicions high into the sun.

She could not sit still, nor could she decipher what was happening.

"Ouch," she winced, accidentally crumpling the letter in her hand as Hestia brushed out her tangled string of hair.

"My apologies," the woman hummed, slowing down her onslaught on Annabeth's scalp. She tied it up in a neat bun.

Hestia bent, smoothening out the wrinkles in Annabeth's gown. The older woman had fetched it for her upon the princess's request for more comfortable clothing to wear around the Fort. Despite being at least a few centuries out of fashion, the gown let the princess of Athens breathe momentarily, allowing her to finally walk around with the ability to feel her rib cage. The dresses and finery her aunt had packed for her, were quite tight, no doubt done on purpose.

''The ball shall commence by dawn, princess. Would you like me to fetch you so that you may have the time to ready yourself?'' asked Hestia, looking over Annabeth.

''Please do, Hestia,'' she sighed, trying for a smile," do you know what the night may entail?''

The maid tapped her chin, "I believe the king and queen shall introduce you to the court, perhaps a Bolero and a hearty feast shall follow, princess,'' she replied.

"A Bolero?'' Annabeth echoed, trying to recall the steps to the popular Olympian dance. She had learned it many moons ago and even performed it with Luke during her adolescence. But does she still remember how to do it?

Annabeth suddenly found herself wishing to see her dance instructor, the very same teacher she consistently avoided a few months prior during her aunt's tyrannical etiquette lessons.

"Thank you, Hestia,'' the princess said politely, kindly dismissing the helpful maid. Hestia gave a low now before departing.

Great! Now I must add a ridiculous dance to my ever-growing list of headaches!

She was already exhausted from the mystery surrounding her visit to Olympus. She was unable to find the answers she so desperately wanted, and it irked her how she was being used as a mere chess pawn.

She was the princess of Athens! And yet her aunt and the older royal lineages seemed to think she was nothing more than a trivial trinket for them to flaunt or toss around, in their conniving schemes.

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