Chapter 22: Head and Heart

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"Annie," Thalia said as a way of greeting,"And...Annie's lover," she finished, eyeing Percy who stood behind the princess.

"He's not my...." Annabeth's cheeks flared hot, remembering their position mere minutes ago,"I believe we're here to discuss other matters."

"She didn't deny it," Luke whispered, rather loudly to Thalia as they chuckled together.

"Prince Jason, Countess Piper," Annabeth turned, ignoring her friends, "thankyou for coming."

"Of course," Jason replied, giving a stiff bow which she mimicked, " I have even gathered some new information."

"Have you, sparky boy? Do share with the group," Thalia motioned to her brother, taking a seat beside her husband, "It's not like you had an entire carriage ride to bring up this nugget of knowledge."

"It's not like I could say anything with your constant complaining about mother," Jason jabbed back, seemingly unperturbed.

"Now, as I was saying," he continued, ignoring Thalia's silent chuckles, "father has had a lot of correspondence with your aunt, princess Annabeth. And I do not believe it is simply about jewels."

"What is it about then? Money? Soldiers? A trade agreement," Annabeth tried guessing.

Though none of those answers made sense to her. Not now, nor the night before.

"I....I don't know," he admitted, clearly upset with himself, "the nature in which they speak about the in some sort of code. I'm unable to discern it."

"Might I be able to take a look?" Annabeth inquired, drumming her fingers on her waist, "perhaps I could understand my aunt better."

"The only person who can understand your aunt is a deranged lunatic," Thalia laughed, earning a chuckle from Luke as well.

"However," Thalia sat up in her chair, "Jason cannot sneak out the letters, he's as stealthy as a mosquito covered in bells. And besides, father is overly protective of his things, he will notice."

"However," Luke continued for her, eying his wife as he took over,"the ball at the end of the week...I believe he will be distracted enough for Jason to swipe the correspondence."

"And also be able to put it back before he notices the disappearance," Annabeth finished, a sort of rebel-excitement spreading through her, "that is genius."

"Of course it is, I came up with it," Thalia grinned,"unfortunately my beloved wonderful mother wants you and Jason to lead the dance"

Annabeth looked appalled, glancing over to a confused looking Percy before she spoke, "What? That's ridiculous.....he's engaged. It would be dreadfully rude."

"Unfortunately Queen Hera does not approve of our match," Piper spoke up, smoothening the hems of her dress as she stared at her feet, "she'd much rather Jason marries a royal...or a person of higher ranking."

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