gunwook - cafe

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"stop it" you grumbled out slightly annoyed

"make me" gunwook replied while grinning.

"i have scissors and pepper spray with me right now. want to try it?" you said while shooting him a glare.

"someone's upset..." he replied while playing with the rings on his fingers. you picked up your cup of coffee and took a sip only to realise it had turned cold. frowning, you placed the cold coffee mug down beside gunwook's now empty cup of iced chocolate.

"want me to get you another one?" he asked softly, looking at you with questioning eyes. nodding your head, you smiled at him gratefully.

"be right back!" he said sliding out of the booth.

"i got you a cookie that they just took out of the- hey... that's my seat!" gunwook placed the cup of coffee and cookie down on the table as he playfully glared at you sprawling across the bench.

"there's a whole empty bench there" you mumbled out, pointing towards the bench opposite the one you were on.

"im meant to sit beside you! get up and make space for me." he ignored your previous words and squeezed on the bench forcing you to sit up.

glaring at him playfully, you picked up the cup of coffee and looked at the cookie. "is that for me?" you asked. he nodded in reply.

smiling you picked up the package cookie and opened it. just as you revealed the freshly baked cookie, you were about to take a bite when gunwook's hair blocked your vision.

"hey!" you exclaimed as you stared at the now half eaten cookie. glaring at him, he cheekly smiled with his mouth full of your cookie.

"i couldn't help it! it looked so good!" he mumbled with his mouth full while grinning, proud of himself.

rolling your eyes, you took a bite out if your cookie and sipped the coffee.

"what time are you gonna leave?" you asked, glancing up at him.

"whenever you want to." he replied, placing a kiss on the top of your head.

having had enough of studying, you began packing your stuff. as you packed, gunwook grabbed the coffee and cookie and mumbled a quick be right back.

after packing your bag, you headed towards where he was purchasing another cookie.

handing you the half eaten cookie as well as your coffee, gunwook grabbed the uneaten cookie and began unwrapping it.

"hey! why do you get the new cookie when you ate half of mine!" you grumbled while staring at his uneaten cookie.

"ugh, fine." he replied, his hand outstretched for you to take a bite of his cookie. smiling, you took a big bite of his cookie.

"now we're even!" you grinning up at him. unable to help himself, he let out a small chuckle before pecking you on the lips.

"give me another bite of your cookie." he said

"what! no! eat your own!" you replied, trying to avoid his arms.

"ah! my coffee and cookie." you exclaimed as you watch the coffee seep into the cement and the cookie in pieces on the floor after you accidentally dropped it. frowning, you stared at the mess unhappily.

"come on, i'll get you another one." gunwook sighed as he headed towards the cafe.

"thanks baby! i love you!" you replied as you ran to catch up with him, hooking your arms around his.

"yea, yea, love you too." he replied while pushing open the door to the cafe.

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