A Homosexual, Feminist Atheist Answers Ridiculous Questions

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I thought about creating a Q&A book & dedicating each chapter to a religion (or lack of) on The Community's profile, but after seeing all of the bigots come out in full force in the last one I did... needless to say, it wouldn't smart. I'd rather people directed their hate towards me instead.


1) "You're homosexual! Aren't you worried you're sinning?"

God isn't against the LGBTQ. I'd explain it to you, but if you're not willing to admit you just MIGHT be wrong, then I'm not going to waste my energy! Go rant about your un-Jesus-like hatred in an Anti forum + leave my page- Thanks!

2) "Why do you like shoving your homosexuality down our throats?"

Oh? So you're homophobic! Thanks for outing yourself.

"I am an ally and I support LGBTQ groups, but I just hate the way they push their agenda on me all the time!" AKA: "I'm not an LGBTQ+ supporter, but that's not acceptable for me to say anymore". -There, I fixed it for you! 

In reality, it's you all who keep bringing it up; between the Anti-LGBTQ+ bills, taking to Facebook & screaming that you saw a gay children's book on display, to even going viral because a queer couple you don't even know OR EVEN MET asked you to bake a cake for their wedding THEY NEVER INVITED YOU TO. You're the ones who knock on our doors every single month, wanting us to convert. Again, YOU'RE the ones who are CONSTANTLY creating new bills, banning trans people from joining the military, then proceeding to LITERALLY SHOVE CAMERAS IN OUR FACES in stores like Target asking EVERYONE you see how they feel about the 'gay agenda'.

Just because there's now more LGBTQ+ representation in media doesn't mean you're being 'erased'. Quit with that. Y'all are projecting your own insecurities onto us HARD. Just because YOU aren't comfortable with yourselves, doesn't mean we are too!


1) "Why do you hate men so much?"

First of all, I hate humanity in general (& that's not the feminist in me talking).

Secondly, damn! You must hate dictionaries!

Misandry: Hatred of men; heavy contempt or disgust.
Feminism: The advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes; for BOTH men & women to be able to express emotions without judgment. For BOTH sexes to receive equal pay for the same job. ETC.

2) "When are you going to have children?" 

You need to keep your mouth shut. Glued shut. Until you're 6-feet underground. 

The woman you're asking this question to might have recently lost her child. Or maybe she's infertile & incapable of having a kid. 

Prodding a family member, friend, or stranger about such a personal question, is ignorant. 

3) "You don't want kids? Oh, you'll change your mind!"

No, I will not change my mind, thank you very much. Not every person with a uterus wants to procreate & add to the overpopulation that's plaguing this world, nor do they want a snotty little version of themselves running around. 

Again: You don't know the reason why someone doesn't want a kid. Whenever this is asked, in other words: "I believe women are too immature to choose for themself." 

If asked, kids tell us what they want to be when they grow up; from a fireman to an actual princess... & there isn't anyone on this planet who has said to them: "Oh, you'll change your mind." But when it comes to grown women who've had multiple years to solidify their decision & look up information (from the internet, discussing it with mothers, to even volunteering at a nursery to see if it's for them), that question has no end. 

When I was 15, I didn't want a kid. When I was 18, I didn't want a kid. When I was 20, I didn't want a kid. And today? I still don't. If I could get a hysterectomy, I'd jump at it. Unfortunately it's difficult to near impossible for women to get an appointment. It's always: "Oh! You're too young! You'll change your mind!" Including: "Is your husband here?" / "Your husband needs to sign off on this with you." / "Does your husband know you're here?" / "Does your husband want kids?" -So an imaginary man who I've never met & most likely never will, has more rights to my body than I do? Brilliant. 

>Personally, first of all, I prefer women (despite being bi). 
>Secondly, I have a low pain tolerance (both physically & mentally). Even if I didn't, I'm chronically ill. So giving birth would put me at high-risk for death.
>Lastly, I am a hardcore Anti-Natalist. Have been since I was in middle school. And that stance has only become more solidified (if that were even possible), to the point where my feet are covered in layers upon layers of solid concrete! 


1) "If evolution is true, then why are there still monkeys?"

Okay, let me ask you something: "If creation is true, then why is there still dust?" 

To answer your question: We aren't direct descendants of apes OR monkeys (I always have to laugh at this). We only share a common ancestor <3

2) "If you don't have a relationship with God, how can you be happy?"

(Sigh) Smh. So... hearing that... I'm assuming your family doesn't make you happy? Friends? Animals? That- That's actually really sad (no sarcasm).

3) "You must have been hurt in the past!"

This one isn't really a question... it's just condescending as Hell.

While it's true many of us were hurt -by RELIGION- in the past, it doesn't mean that applies to every single Atheist. A lot of them grew up Atheists with loving parents & stuck to it. Simple!

4) "How can you explain the unexplainable?" 

Everything can be explained. For example, the people back then didn't know where the Sun went at night. But now, this fantastic thing called science can explain it. In short, what we can't explain today, is merely something we'll discover in the future (that is, if Climate Change doesn't get to us first).

5) "You can't be moral without God."

Again: Not really a question... but I hear this one so often it almost makes me sick.

If you need a book that was written thousands of years ago by patriarchal, cis men to have morals... then you're very... 'questionable' to say the least. If you need a BOOK to be nice to people, then... Yikes hun!

So... there's this thing called 'Empathy'. Empathy is where you understand the feelings of another because you've experienced them yourself. Let's say this: You're living on an island that has had no contact with other people (having NO idea a God exists either because your parents didn't tell you or you've been born into a tribe that never learned of him in the first place). Then your friend or sibling falls down a cliff and breaks a limb. (In the past, you've broken a limb before due to a similar incident, so you know VERY well what it's like.) After seeing them writhe in pain, do you feel ANYTHING for them? Do you A: Bring them to a doctor? Or B: Shrug & tell them to stand?

6) "Why do you talk about God so much if you're an Atheist?"

Have you heard the American Pledge of Allegiance? Do you know what words are printed on our currency? Can you tell me which of our presidents have been Atheists? Are you aware of how many little boys have been attacked by priests? And what is it about the LGBTQ+ community that scares you so much to the point where you feel the need to harm us?

Even though the last two questions are only directed at the Nominal crowd, they cower & hide behind the name 'Christian'. Christianity isn't that bad... but unfortunately the Antis always seem to have the loudest voice; it's one of the main reasons why we speak out. 

Atheists don't care what you believe in as long as you keep it to yourself. But when you use those beliefs & twist them to fit your own agenda, then yeah... we're GOING to talk about it.

All we want is the Separation of Church & State- Once you respect that, that's when we'll shut up! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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