Chapter Thirty-Eight

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We're in Lafayette, Louisiana. I knew that was our next stop and not Boston, but I didn't feel like pointing that out. Dean took me to Boston and to the monument to cheer me up and it worked. The death of Ultimate Warrior and Rebecca-mostly Rebecca-was still a sore spot but I could manage.
Dean plopped down beside me on the bed. "You look a lot better," he observed as I slipped on matching hot pink heels that went with my floral-printed dress.
"Feel a lot better," I replied. "Can you hand me that?" I asked pointing to my jewelry bag on the nightstand.
He grabbed it and I rummaged around for my bow shaped earrings and gold bracelets. After putting those on, I put my ring gear in my duffel bag.

The Cajundome was a little over 10 minutes away from Staybridge Suites-the hotel we're staying at tonight.
"Hey," I greeted as I spotted Randy doing push-ups in the hallway.
He looked up and grinned before his eyes trailed over to Dean and I's tangles fingers. He raised his eyebrows in question.
"Can you take my duffel and put it in my locker room?" I asked Dean.
He hoisted my bag over his shoulder and disappeared down the hall.
I fiddled with the zipper line going down the front of my dress as I waited for Randy to ask his question. But I guess he wanted me to be the first to speak.
"You and Ambrose, huh?"
"Yeah," I said, blushing. "I still can't believe it."
"Don't you think you're hurting Seth's feelings?"
I stepped back, caught off guard. "What are you talking about?" I questioned. "Why would I be hurting Seth's feelings."
He scoffed, shaking his head. "He likes you, Chels," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world as he got up and swiped his hands together. "I would think you of all people would know that."
"No, I don't know that because Seth hasn't made any implications that that's how he feels," I defended.
"Okay," he said, nodding.
"Randy, stop messing with me," I warned.
"I'm not messing with you. I'm just telling the truth."
"Or maybe you're just telling lies," I snapped. "Though I'm not sure why."
"You're not justified, Randy. I don't know why you'd be making this up, but that doesn't mean you're not."
He raised his hands up. "Whatever."
"What's wrong with you?" I asked.
"Nothing. I'm just trying to tell you that you have other options. You think Madison's the only one that's crazy and head over heels about him?"
"How did you-"
"His reputation with the ladies runs deeper than you think," Randy interrupted. "Have a nice night, Chels."

"Please welcome your WWE Divas Champion, Chelsea Renee!"
I walked out onto the stage and grinned at the crowd as I raised my title over my head. I basically skipped down to the ring and placed the belt on the apron. I kicked one of my feet up onto the side of the ring and fixed the shoelaces of my Converse boots before slipping inside.
"Man, does it feel good to be out here," I stated. "This is awesome."
The crowd cheered. Someone tried to start a "Chel-sea," chant, but that quickly died out. The fans were leaning forward, eager about what I had to say.
"Trust me, I don't have anything that interesting to say," I said. "Just wanted to come out here and show this baby off." I shook the title. "And thank all of your guys for either being there or watching from home as I won my first ever title in the WWE."
The crowd cheered again, louder this time.
"Now, I'm not gonna come out here and tell you all that I did this by myself. That I'm the best thing to happen to the Divas Division and say I'm the savior because I'm not. I'm not even gonna go as far as to say I'm the top dog. I'm just a kid from Virginia that had the talent and ability to come out onto that WrestleMania stage and beat the odds. If anything, I made a name for myself and just put myself on the map."
I heard a screeching noise and then heavy metal music. I turned to the stage and saw a girl with raven black hair and pale skin-maybe even paler than Sheamus'-come out in light purple ring gear. She grinned at me as she made her way to the ring and climbed inside, taking a microphone out from behind her back.
"Hey, Chelsea," she greeted casually. "I'm not here to steal your spotlight or anything, I just wanted to come out here and be the first to congratulate you on the win Sunday."
I readjusted the belt on my shoulder and nodded. "Thanks."
"But, I haven't really seen you compete this past week since then. Maybe you and I could have a little friendly match with, oh, I don't know, a certain divas championship," she suggested.
I smirked, getting the gist. "If you want a title match..."
"Paige," she filled in.
"Paige. All you have to do is ask. Get a referee down here."
I chucked the mic out of the ring and waited until the ref slipped into the ring to give my title away. He held it in the air for a few moments before giving it to one of the crew directors. It seemed as if Paige's smile was tattooed on. I didn't know what it was with this girl, but I like her. When the bell rung, we shook hands and started to circle each other before our arms got tangled. We pushed each other around, both of us trying to gain the first advantage. She got it and put me in a headlock before flipping my body over the side of hers. I slipped out and grabbed her arm, twisting it around some. Both of us made it to our feet and she kicked me in the stomach a few times causing me to let her go. She bounced off the ropes and clothes lined me. She pulled me to my feet by the hair and swung my head back so that it made hard impact with the canvas.
So much for a friendly match.
She bent down to pick me up again, but I kicked her in the shoulder and rolled out her reach. I made it to a corner. She went after me and I lifted my legs up so that my knees hit her chin. She stumbled back. I darted toward her but she super kicked me in the face. I held my mouth, rolling my tongue along my teeth to make sure I still had them all. So far so good.
I kicked out of her pin attempt and tried to roll out of the ring, but she grabbed my ankle and I was dragged back inside. She stood me up and wrapped one of my arms around her shoulder and then hooked her hand being my knee and swung me back, my neck hitting the mat.
I placed my free leg on the bottom rope. It looked like Paige was going to smack the referee but she kept her cool and went back to focus on me. I kicked her in the side of the head and she hunched over. I folded her up in a package roll-up.
"The winner of this match and still WWE Divas Champion, Chelsea Renee!"
The ref helped me up and handed my the belt. I raised it above my head before stepping over Paige and rolling out of the ring. I touched my mouth again. It hurt, but I didn't feel a bump anywhere. She glared at me the whole time I walked up the ramp and disappeared backstage. I see a good weird friendship in the future.

"Why not?" I countered.
"So let me get this straight," Stephanie said as she tapped her pen on the edge of her desk. "You want Paige to be apart of the diva roster? She's just an NXT rookie. I could see if she beat you, then she'd have to be on, but she lost. Why would you want someone you beat and probably someone who hates your guts to be your co-worker?"
"Because, she's the type of competition we need in the Divas Division. Ever since you hired me, you haven't found unique girls like her. Especially with Total Divas and most of the cast being more focused on that tan wrestling."
She looked over my shoulder, considering. "I suppose it could be okay," she confessed. "Just don't let her get into any trouble."
"How's that possible though?" I asked. "I sometimes get into trouble. How am I supposed to babysit someone else?"
She shrugged. "Figure it out."

"Hey, Paige, wait up!" I called out as I tried to catch Paige before she disappeared out the door out into the parking lot.
"What?" she snapped.
"You can't leave work," I said. "You can get in trouble for that."
"What are you talking about?" she asked. "I need to go back to NXT. I don't have a spot here."
"Says who?"
She frowned at me, not saying anything. But then after a few moments her eyebrows got higher and higher as she got my gist.
"I'm on the main roster?" she questioned shocked.
I bounced my eyebrows. "Maybe."
She gasped before scooping me up in a hug and spinning me around. "You got me a spot on the main roster?!"
"Now you can't say I never did anything for you," I said.
"Thank you. Thank you so much!"
"Don't worry about it."

When I made it to my locker room, Roman and Seth were playing checkers in the corner and Dean was laying across my couch with his arm draped over his eyes. I couldn't tell if he was still was asleep or not. I sat on the couch next to his hips and shook his shoulder.
"I'm not sleep," he mumbled as he moved his arm and squinted at the light.
"Did you see my match?" I asked as I wiggled my ankle. "This baby is as good as new."
"Yeah, we did," Seth answered. "You were awesome."
I stared at Seth as he looked back, smiling. Randy's words echoed in my head. Could what he said about Seth's feelings toward me true. I disregarded the idea though. Seth was just giving me a friendly smile before he turned back to the game. What did Randy know anyways? He's been a little crazy ever since he lost his title.
"Come lay with me," Dean whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down with him.
"Dean," I playfully scolded, my cheeks flushed. "Not right now." Especially not with Roman and Seth in the room. It just felt weird.

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