Chapter Twenty-Four

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The Rhodes Brothers passed by me on their way to the guerrilla as I walked the opposite way, rubbing my temples with my eyes closed. I was doing pretty great with walking blind until I bumped into someone. They grabbed my arms before I could fall. When I opened my eyes, I saw Dean, but he wasn't smiling; he still looked irritable.
"Hey, thanks," I said as I righted myself.
He didn't reply and we were just standing their in awkward silence. "One of you guys has a match tonight, right?" I asked, trying to start up a conversation. "Because the WWE Universe has to choose between you three on who's going against Kane. Are the others gonna be out there?"
He continued to look at me blankly making me sigh. "Dean, what did I do that was so wrong. So, I talked to Jackson, he's a friend of mine, I didn't know that was a crime. Are we seriously gonna go days without talking to each other?" He rolled his eyes making me deflate. "You know what, fine. I give up. Ever since Saturday you've been acting very rude to me and I have done nothing but stay by your side, but I guess that just isn't enough for you. Tell Roman I said good luck tonight." I didn't have to see the results of the WWE Universe to know that since Roman was bigger and more powerful than his teammates-no offense to Seth-that he'd be chosen to take on Kane.

I stayed in my locker room, matches came and gone, receiving little interest from me even Naomi's match against AJ and Roman's against Kane. I couldn't even remember if Seth and Dean were out there or not. Roddy Piper came to do a WrestleMania edition of Piper's Pit, but I didn't even try to watch that. I just laid on the couch, staring at the screen, watching what was going on, but comprehending nothing. Before I knew it, Randy barged into my room without my consent and told me that it was time for the main event. Like a zombie, I got up and padded out of the room.
"What's the matter?" Randy asked as we walked side by side down the hallway. He sounded truly concerned.
I walked by Seth who was giving me a smile and a wave, but I just apathetically stared at him, not waving back.
I shrugged. "Nothing."
"Oh, come on, Chels," Randy said, poking my arm. "It's written all over your face. Something's wrong."
I looked back at Seth who was staring right at me. I quickly turned around. "It's Dean," I finally said. "Something happened between him and his parents and he's been in a bitter mood ever since. He found out I was talking to his brother and he-not necessarily went off on me-but he was mad for some reason."
"Sounds like Ambrose is jealous," Randy teased.
I glanced up at him, frowning in confusion. This is the first time we've actually talked, our rivalry thrown out the window.
"Why would he be jealous?" I asked. "There's nothing going on between his brother and I, and there's nothing going on between Dean and I."
"Maybe he wants something to be going on," Randy suggested. "I don't think anyone's told you this, but about two weeks before you came here, Dean wouldn't shut up about you. Stephanie and Hunter like to give us a heads up on when a rookie's gonna be coming and everyone here knows you. A lot of people-mostly the superstars-were happy about it because they thought you were cool, but Dean was excited. He couldn't wait to meet you. We all knew you guys would date sooner or later, or if nothing else, be close friends."
I let Randy's words sink in as we stood at the guerrilla. I couldn't really believe it. Dean seemed so calm and collective when he talked to me that first week. Randy and I sat down in black metal folding chairs as we saw Batista jumping around across from us. He knew we were there, I know it, but he didn't acknowledge us. Randy clutched his belts before turning to me, obviously spotting his opponent too.
"I know we're kinda supposed to have some tension on TV, but is there anyway we can forget what happened these past few weeks and be friends?"
I examined him very closely to see if his sincerity was a ruse, but he looked like he meant every word that was coming out of his mouth.
I nodded. "I wouldn't have a problem with that," I said. "Clean slate."

"So, Chelsea, what's been going on this past week between you and Randy?" Cole asked.
"What do you mean by that?" I questioned.
"Well earlier tonight when Randy came out here and asked Hunter if he could reconsider being a part of the triple threat match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania, you were really quick to jump down his throat."
I smiled. "I was pushing him, Michael. Randy needs to realize that at WrestleMania if Triple H beats Daniel Bryan and goes into the triple threat he's not in the ring with his boss, he's in the ring with another competitor and he needs to do everything he can to keep his precious titles. That's what's stopping Randy from excepting the possibility of Triple H being a part of the main event: his mindset. When Randy looks at Hunter, he sees his boss, the guy who signs his paychecks. He needs to throw that out of his thoughts until after WrestleMania when the dust has settled and a winner is determined."
JBL nodded in agreement. "That makes perfect sense," he said.
"It does," Jerry agreed. "Because I bet you that at WrestleMania if Triple H has the opportunity to look across the ring at Randy, he's not gonna see his Face of the WWE. He's just gonna see another wrestler that he's trying to conquer."
I looked over at Triple H. I'm not sure who he was encouraging-probably Randy-but it wouldn't surprise me if he was trying to get both him and Batista to annihilate each other. Stephanie and Hunter were going to do commentary with me, but Hunter said that they will leave the talking to me, that there was no need for them to take up the table. I don't think that was the real reason, though. I felt like Hunter had something up his sleeve and that this match was going to end with a little kick.
"Well, on to other things, Chelsea, how do you feel about the Divas Invitational match at WrestleMania that you'll be taking part in thanks to Vicki Guerrero?" Jerry asked.
I grinned. "I'm very excited about it. I'm really focus on this match, nothing's going to distract me."
I meant it, too. I wasn't going to worry about Dean's family problems or Mrs. Good's pregnancy. I was going to focus on nothing but that match. I can worry about the other things later.
"Well, AJ, definitely has a lot on her hands. How did you feel when Tamina was put into the fray?" JBL said.
"It definitely made things interesting. Part of me thinks in this match, Tamina's gonna be out for herself, this is an opportunity that doesn't come often, especially for someone like Tamina, surprisingly. But, the other side is thinking that she'll try and help AJ keep the belt. I mean, she is her boss. We've already established that Tamina can dominate diva after diva, but that's by herself, when you have multiple at a time to fend off....." I trailed off and looked into the ring.
Things were really getting heated between the two. I just hope they didn't bring any of that over here. I didn't feel like getting up.
"But, Chelsea, how do you feel about going into your first WrestleMania?" Cole asked.
I exhaled a deep breath, giving it real thought. "I'm definitely excited. I've been dreaming of this my entire life like everyone else in this company. But I also need to get a lot of rest. I heard the weekend of Mania is hectic."
"Not even the half of it," JBL teased.
Cole chuckled before saying, "Well, onto another interesting question that's been on people's minds. Is your friendship with The Shield shaky?"
"Why would you say that?" I asked.
"Well, because Kane is the Director of Operations, a part of The Authority, and will be, along with Billy Gun and Road Dogg, facing Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns of The Shield," Cole explained.
"Oh, no, The Shield and I's friendship isn't shaky at all," I lied. "My friendship with Kane hasn't been the same lately and frankly, I don't really care for him even if he is a fellow member of The Authority. I do look forward in seeing the match, though."
Randy bounced off the ropes, trying to lunge at Batista, but instead he got lifted up and slammed down on his back. "This match is so aggressive. This is the type of mean streak that both men need to bring Sunday. I really can't wait," I said.
After gloating to the crowd, Batista picked Randy up by the head and set him up for the Batista Bomb. Randy countered and wrapped his arm around Batista's neck, slamming his back onto his own.
"This match is kind of a stalemate," I stated. "Whenever one guy has the upper hand, the other counters and turns the match in his favor."
Triple H and Stephanie clapped.
"Do you have any predictions on who's going to win the bout between Triple H and Daniel Bryan?" Cole asked me.
"Honestly," I began, "no. I mean, you have two competitors that have been in a wrestling ring for more than a decade. Neither man is going into this match blind of the other's ability. They know each other and their capabilities very well."
"This is what I'm talking about," Triple H said excitedly when he came to Jerry's side of the announce table.
I couldn't help but look over his shoulder. Someone was running toward him from the crowd. He had on very familiar attire. And that beard.....
Next thing you know, Daniel Bryan tackled Hunter onto the commentary table, pummeling his face with punches as Cole, Jerry, and JBL stood up and inched away. Stephanie shrieked.
"Oh my God!" Cole exclaimed. "Daniel Bryan! He's here!" I leaned back in my chair as Randy slipped out of the ring and tried to pry Daniel off. "And now Randy Orton trying to take Bryan off Triple H and Bryan assaulted him."
Dani delivered some punches to Randy before going back to Hunter. Randy tried again and succeeded, flinging Daniel into the steel steps. Stephanie ran to Triple H's aid while Randy continued on Daniel. He pushed him into the ring across from where Batisita was lying in a corner.
"Randy Orton says no to the Universe's yes," Jerry said.
"Am I the only one that remembers Batisita?" I asked as Randy slipped into the ring and was speared by The Animal.
"Spear by Batista!" Cole shouted.
It was chaotic. People were laid out, the fans were going insane, and the hype was tremendously high. Batista turned to Daniel Bryan and grabbed a fistful of his hair, but Daniel swatted his arms away and front roundhouse kicked him in the face. Daniel ran at Batista from a corner and kneed him in the face. Triple H was finally to his feet and I guess Daniel Bryan saw him too because he bounced off the ropes and did a suicide dive, flying toward Hunter. Then he flipped him over the barricade into the Time Keeper's Area. Daniel was just beating Triple H down and all I could do was watch with a dropped jaw. The sad thing is, Hunter was only able to get about 2 punches in the entire time. When Daniel grabbed the kendo stick that Randy dropped earlier in the match, I knew it was over for The Game. Triple H was struggling to get into the ring as Daniel beat him senseless with the weapon, but he finally did and slipped out on the other side away from danger. Daniel kicked Randy off the apron when he slipped in the ring himself. So much was going on, I was surprised I was able to follow it all. Triple H staggered up the ramp with Stephanie by his side.
"What a scene, what a moment!" Cole commented.
"Daniel Bryan is standing tall!" Jerry said excitedly.
"Is this what it's gonna be like Sunday at WrestleMania?" Cole questioned.
"This movement dies at WrestleMania," JBL chimed in making me roll my eyes.
"This ends at WrestleMania!" Stephanie screamed at Daniel.
"Can Daniel Bryan do the impossible?" Cole asked as Daniel's theme cut on and he pointed at the WrestleMania XXX sign that loomed over the crowd from the rafters.
They did a replay from when Daniel first arrived on the scene to attack Triple H throughout the whole beatdown.
"You are done!" Triple H shouted at Daniel when he and Steph made it to the stage. "You hear me?! You! Are! Done!!"

"Pick up my belts, Chelsea!" Randy shouted at me once we were in the hallway.
I was holding his titles for him as he insisted on walking by himself backstage without the referees' help. I was dragging the belts along the floor, the gold plaque making scrapping sounds.
"Sorry," I mumbled as I slung them over both my shoulders. They had some weight to them.
I kept staring at Randy's pain filled face. He winced at each step he took. "Where's your locker room?" I asked, looking around.
"Just up here," he replied pointing to a door that we were coming close to marked Randy Orton. He opened the door and flung himself onto the couch with a grunt. I set the belts on the coffee table.
"You got it from here?" I asked.
He nodded. "See you Friday."

When I got back to the hotel room that-unfortunately-I shared with Dean, he, Seth, and Roman were lounging on the couch watching TV.
"Hey, Chels," Roman greeted. I smiled weakly at him. "Dean has something to say to you."
"I do?" Dean asked making both Roman and Seth elbow him in the ribs.
"Don't," I said as I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm really tired," I whispered. "I just wanna take a shower and go to bed.
"You okay?" Seth asked worriedly.
I nodded. "Long night," I just said as I set my purse and duffel down on the bed.
The others turned around back to the TV except for Dean who had concern written all over his face. I didn't want to give him assurance that I was somewhat okay. I didn't want to speak to him at all. Without another word, I stomped off toward the bathroom.

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