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After a week we finally have some free time we all went to our CEO to ask about Kookie's old boss, the CEO said it's actually a private business and a private matter, then I told the CEO he gotta help us because I was Kookie's brother, I showed CEO the DNA test results and then he gave me the number of his old classmate Mr. Song after that we immediately contacted Mr. Song and he agreed to meet us at his wife's cafe later in the afternoon. We went back to our dorm to think of questions we should ask Mr. Song, because this is about Kookie my sister. My mind is going blank, when the afternoon arrives we immediately drove at the cafe, there's no many costumers but there is this old guy, not that old kissing a woman on the cheek who's behind the counter, we assumed they're the song couple so we immediately approached them and they both sat with us, we told everything to them and asked how we could contact Kookie's adoptive mother, we told the couple not to tell Kookie that we actually ask them about Kookie. I found out that Kookie have been working for them for years already. We learned more honestly, after the talk we asked our manager if we could fly to chicago cause we needed to meet someone there and the CEO knows who, at first our manager was hesitant but eventually give in because we told our manager that we already asked permission to our CEO which we actually informed him that if we find out where is Kookie's mom we will fly out there, then we started packing, the next day we went to the company for awhile because Jooheon forgotten something from our choreographer, while we were there Mina told us she heard from the manager that we're on our way to the states to find Kookie and she was saying nonesense like we shouldn't waste our time to someone who isn't worth it, I got mad so I pushed Mina as harder as I could, then we finally went to the airport to fly to chicago. Shownu hyung scolding me on the way to airport because Mina got hurt but I scold him back "DIDN'T YOU KNOW WHAT MINA DID? I FOUND OUT EVERYTHING ALREADY, MINA MAKING MY SISTER'S LIFE MISERABLE SHE EVEN TREATENED MY SISTER, THE OTHER STAFFS IN BUILDING ALREADY TOLD ME EVERYTHING, SHE EVEN TRIED FORCING KOOKIE TO QUIT HER JOB AS OUR MANAGER, MY SISTER WENT TO OUR CEO TO QUIT BECAUSE OF MINA, YOU KNOW WHY MY SISTER IS NOW WORKING FOR CRAVITY? IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF HYUNGWON OUR CEO BEG HER TO NOT TO QUIT HER JOB, SHE WAS JUST MOVED TO CRAVITY AND THE CEO SAID IF MINA DOES SOMETHING TO HER AGAIN MINA WILL LOSE HER JOB, SO STOP PROTECTING MINA OR SHOULD I SAY YOUR LOVER BECAUSE SHE ALMOST KILLED MY SISTER ONCE AND IF SHE EVER LAY A HANDS ON MY SISTER EVER AGAIN I WILL MAKE SURE TO KILL HER WITH MY OWN HANDS" Then for the rest of the ride no one is talking, then when we finally arrived at the airport we immediately went to our gate. In the plane I was sitting next to Hyungwon and Jooheon, then infront of us was Minhyuk, Changkyun and Shownu hyung and Wonho was behind us. I was boiling mad and at the same time I was worried about my sister, she isn't answering her phone I guess she have block all of us. After so many hours of plane ride we finally arrived at chicago and went immediately to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital we immediately asked for Kookie's mother. When we saw Mrs. Min in her hospital room she asked who we are and I introduced myself as Kookie's older brother, I told her we already had took a dna test and it was positive that Kookie was my sister and she recognize us and saying we're the boys that Kookie really loves, she pointed at Hyungwon and said he was the love of the life of Kookie, Hyungwon have blushed and said he was honored, pfft what a liar, I know he dislike Kookie, Mrs. Min asked us questions, and we asked her how we could contact Kookie and she said Kookie will arrive in 3 days since they're gonna be in chicago soon. I was happy to hear that, Mrs. Min told me that since she knew she was dying she hopes I would take care of Kookie, because she was a fragile girl, she also told me stories about Kookie when she's growing up, she even told me how she adopted my sister "I knew your mom somewhat, I used to work in a baby shop I was a sales personnel there, I didn't know your mom had a son, she was always in the shop buying baby clothes for a girl and baby stuffs. She was excited she told me she wanted to name her daughter Kookie because she said someone special to her first name letter was K and super love cookies. She told me the last time she was shopping in the shop that she's gonna give birth soon she told me the exact date. 2 days after she gave birth I went to the hospital to give her visit since that was my day off but I was shocked to find out that she have died already and the baby was alive and gonna put up for adoption, I asked if I could just adopt the baby, I was married already and we have no children yet, so I immediately went to talk to the social services, I already have record there because I was once a foster parent when I was still single. I got to adopt Kookie and her nurse said Kookie's mom left a diary to be given to Kookie when she grow up. The mother have complications when she gave birth that's why after Kookie was born 5 minutes later she died. And me and my husband have raised Kookie like our own daughter, we never have other children of our own, we just had Kookie, Kookie was so special to us, he was so sweet, caring and loving person. She was true pure. She always thinks of others first before thinking about herself, after my husband died she started to become independent she always helps me on everything even if I told her she should enjoy her life. When she told me about Monsta X I saw how happy she was and I told her if Monsta X makes her happy then I would support her being the fangirl. She was obedient she listens to what we say to her. I honestly told her I am worried for her if I die, although she said she can handle herself but I know deep inside she can't cause of how fragile she was. When she told me she found out she have a brother, I told her to look for her brother, she deserves to know about her real family" and then Mrs. Min started to cough so hard and to become weak, we immediately called the doctor and after checking on her the doctor have told us she has only little time to live, Ms. Ha arrived and asked who we were and we said we were friends of Kookie and I was her brother, Ms. Ha was Kookie's godmother

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