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AALIYAH Valentine was always on time. It was something the twenty-two-year-old greatly prided herself on; not only was she always on time, but she was also an early riser and a planner. From a young girl, she would plan out her outfits for school for the week and even what type of lunch she wanted to carry. Planning everything ensured she'll always be prepared. So it was no surprise when she arrived at Seattle Grace Hospital; she was one of the first interns to come.

After waiting for about twenty minutes or so for the rest of her peers, Dr. Richard Webber took the small group on the tour of the hospital, untimely ending in the O.R., where he began to make the infamous speech he gives to all the new interns not even sparing a glance to the woman who came in late.

, where he began to make the infamous speech he gives to all the new interns not even sparing a glance to the woman who came in late

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After the speech, the interns were led to the locker rooms, ready for their first official day. Eager to finally start, Aaliyah hurriedly changed into her scrubs, rolling her eyes once she noticed how the man beside her was gawking. Then, shuddering, the Valentine woman decided to join a blonde and a curly-haired woman.

"Only six women out of twenty," the blonde said, looking around while adjusting herself.

"Yeah. I hear one of them's a model," the curly-haired woman scoffed as she shoved her stuff carelessly in the locker, "Seriously, that's gonna help with the respect thing?"

"Any guesses as to who it is?" Aaliyah asked, slicking back her bun, making sure there weren't any flyaways, "I think it's the perky blonde. She's like really pretty and has the model smile,"

Nodding their heads in agreement, the blonde stood up and spoke. "You're Cristina and Aaliyah, right? I'm Meridith."

"Yup," Aaliyah responded, popping the 'p' and sending the women a small smile, "Which resident are you guys assigned to? I got Bailey,"

"The Nazi? Me too," Meridith responded, leaning against the lockers, causing Cristina to hum in agreement.

"You got the Nazi? So did I," a voice called out from across them, " at least we'll be tortured together, right? I'm George O'Malley," he added, staring at the group of women, more specifically Aaliyah. "We, uh, we met at the mixer. You had on a yellow bodycon dress with a semi-deep v-neck and— now you think I'm gay" closing his eyes in frustration once he saw the looks the three women were giving him.

"Uh-huh," Cristina nodded, sharing a smile with Meridith.

"Well, I mean yeah," Aaliyah stated, eyes widening as she thought George was taking offense, "I mean, I'm pan, so no need to like to be ashamed or anything,"

"No, I'm not gay," George defended, putting his stethoscope around his neck, "It's— it's just that you were— you were very unforgettable,"

"O'Malley, Yang, Grey, Valentine, Stevens,"

As George continued to defend his sexuality, the group walked towards their new resident at the end of the hall. Aaliyah was never one to judge, but when she first heard the nickname 'The Nazi, ' she expected a blonde hair blue eyed demon, so once she and the group discovered the Nazi was a short African American woman, they were confused.

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