Chapter 6 [this can't be true]

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"Am i a priority or an option?"

"world seems against me"

"it hurt when the person you hope to support you and giving you motivation turns out pushing you away.."

"i did it again... i did the same mistake again... tryna be a cupid but my own relationship is out of my hand"

"fights.. always happen no matter between who and who.. i just hope this fight won't lead to a bad ending.."

"comforting is my weakness... it really hurts me when i couldn't comfort anyone"

"i think this is the third time i ran away from my so called home"

"you promised me... yet you break it.."

"am i the bad person in this story? i wonder... how will my story end"

"I don't know should i be the one who be better... or him..."

"i hate making decision"

"i wish one day i could see snow falling from the sky"

"i wish  could hug you and tell you how much i miss you... it's hard for me to say what i felt.."


"wait are you for real?!" asked Sowilo surprisedly

"yes, you have your passport already, just need a ticket and good to go" Said her mother

"you've been wanting to go to that country, now it's your chance" Said her father

"but i didn't get the scholarship and the school.. don't you think it's expensive?" Asked Sowilo

"what do you think the reason me and your mom out late and we letting you work with that channel" said the father

"wait what?" said Sowilo confused

"the point is, we have the money to help you pay the school, but on one condition, and that is you have to pay other things by yourself, you have your money and i think that will work" Said the mother

"omg.. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUU" said Sowilo happily and hugged her both parents

The next day is a big day because it's her graduation, but it's way more big because...

"hey Sowilo, who is that? that person keep staring at you from a far" said one of her classmate

Sowilo turn around and her eyes were open wide as her eyes began to tear up, She ran to them and hugged them tightly

"i can't believe you guys are here!!" Said Sowilo

"well it was kinda hard for me to ask permission from my parents but i made it anyway" Said Ansuz

"Me and Ansuz planning on this for a quite long time ago, so yeah glad it work afterall" Said Kenaz

"you guys are the best" Said Sowilo and the three hug each other and pour out all the miss feelings the had

for the next whole week Sowilo spend her rest days with Ansuz and Kenaz, she took them to the places she always wants to go with them, it was the best week for her. And as the time goes by Ansuz a bit curious because this whole time Sowilo never mention Rhaido at all so with curiosity she asked

"uh Sowilo, i don't mean to change the mood right now but you never mention Rhaido even once, are you two doing alright?"

Sowilo went silence, she took out her phone and said.

"im sorry i keep this away from you both..." Sowilo showed them her conversation with Rhaido

" Sowilo showed them her conversation with Rhaido

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"this was on my graduation day

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"this was on my graduation day..." said Sowilo sadly

Ansuz and Kenaz hug her tight as Sowilo broke down to tears, for your information Sowilo keept her smile this whole time in order not to ruin her own big day, and Rhaido doesn't know it was her graduation day. 

After a week pass it's time for them to go back to their country, they all went to the same airport different flights, Ansuz go back to UK and Kenaz went back to germany and Sowilo went to Netherlands, Since Germany and Netherlands are close to each other Kenaz and Sowilo ends up in the same flight until the separate flight Germany and Netherlands.

arriving there Sowilo rent a place near her university. Sowilo became a very introvert girl, she never went out unless it's night. After a few days Sowilo start her classes and always takes extra time to be in the university.

one night, She walks down the road to her apartment, looking down and keep thinking about the past, Sowilo nearly cry but she bumped into a tall Man, she apologize but the man just stood there freeze out, because she is curious she bravely lift her head up to see the man's face, and she went shock to see who that is.

"Sowilo? is that you?" said the Man

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