21-It's all about putting God first

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"Thanks for coming." Josh handed her a mug of coffee and his fingers brushed hers igniting little sparks along her skin. "I know it's early."

A soft gasp fell from her lips before she could stop it and her gaze flew to his. "I-It's hot," she stammered, face flaming.

"Right," he drawled, his expression knowing. His eyes darkened like he too was unsettled.

"Thank you for the coffee, and I didn't mind coming over. I'd never pass up a chance to spend the day with my favorite guy." Her hand holding the mug trembled slightly and she lifted it to her lips for cover.

One brow arched.

Dani stiffened. "I meant Jacob."

"I know," he said warmly. "Hey, is that a Bible you're carrying?"

She was so flustered she actually glanced down. "Yes. I've been reading it."

"Really?" He blinked like he wasn't sure if she was joking. "What exactly are you reading?"

Dani got the feeling he was testing her. "Joshua. I'm at the part where Rahab helped the Israelite spies. She fascinates me."

"Because of her courage?"

"Yes, and because she was a prostitute who later married righteous Salmon from the tribe of Judah. She's in the line of Jesus."

Josh stared at her, and she wondered if she'd mixed the story up. It was all new to her, and there was so much to remember. She was all of a sudden self-conscious. "Is that right? Do you know the story?"

He blinked at her question and cleared his throat like he just realized he was staring. "Rahab gave birth to Boaz who later married Ruth, Jesus' great-grandmother."

"Yes, that's what I thought. If the Lord can redeem her, then there's hope for me." She lifted the mug of coffee to her lips aware of Josh's intent gaze.

"Of course, God's mercy includes you if you've accepted Christ. We've all made mistakes, Dani."

Her stomach knotted and she folded her arm over her middle. "Have you spoken to Meredith?"

He nodded. "I just got off the phone with her before you got here."

"I don't want to cause trouble for the two of you."

He looked surprised like the idea hadn't occurred to him. "You mean Julie. Mer understands that you want to be a part of Jacob's life. I told her you had dinner with us, and she thinks Julie overreacted."

Her shoulders sank with relief. "Thank goodness."

"You were worried?" he asked, moving so that they stood facing one another with the island between them.

Her eyes flicked to his and chose her words carefully. "I told you I regretted what happened between us. I always will. But no matter how I feel I'd never come between you and your fiancé."

Something flashed in his eyes. "You didn't need to tell me that, Dani."

"Yes, I did. I can't pretend I don't still—" She winced. "I need to stop talking. Is Caleb still here?"

"Finish what you were about to say," he commanded, his voice thick with emotion.

"Why, Josh? You already know. No good can come from hearing it."

"Dani." A warning note surrounded her name.

"You know the Bible. A relationship shouldn't be based on just feelings." Her heart beat faster, and her words came in a breathless rush. "It's about putting God first, actions, commitments."

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