It's the End of the World as We Know It

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It turns out that Nat was correct, with the right partner, some light stretching, and a few hastily consumed snacks, you could spend days in bed. Best four days of my life thus far.

"I need food," Bucky muttered, head face down in a pillow as he lay on the floor, the sheets twisted around his legs, body sweaty and sated.

I breathed heavily lying next to him on my back, arms spread wide, hair a tangled mess around me. "I've got one more in me, and I'm pretty sure there's a pack of almonds under the bed." The former assassin turned his head to face me with a skeptical look. "I'm good, really, do your thing. I'm gonna lay here and catch my breath real quick but you go right ahead and give me the good loving."

He snorted, "As sexy as that sounds I think we need to take a break. I don't think almonds are gonna cut it."

I sat up and my vision narrowed to pin holes. "Woah." Bucky reached out to steady me, eyebrows raised. "You could be right about the food."

Looking around the room I cringed. Tony was going to need to gut this room and start over, maybe just burn the cabin to the ground. The comforter was on the floor by the door, mattress askew. The four-poster bed was now a two and a half poster bed, and the ornate headboard was a lost cause with a very large fist sized chunk missing from the middle. The dresser was crooked and leaning precariously to the left while most of the drawers were halfway open with clothes spilling out. There were three enormous holes in the wall around the room, and the door was lying discarded in the hallway. The bathroom wasn't much better, the mirror cracked in the middle with all the bathroom supplies littered around the floor, and the one entire piece of the all glass shower missing.

"It's like a sex tornado swept through the room," I commented dryly, pushing my messy hair out of my face.

"Not a sex tornado. Just you," Bucky smirked, tossing me some clothes, "Get dressed. I'm gonna make us a real meal."

"We have a real meal." I held up the pack of suckers I'd thrown on the nightstand sometime last night, and he rolled his eyes, slipping a shirt over his head much to my vocal disappointment.

"If you hurry up and get downstairs to eat I'll consider sex on the kitchen island."

That got me moving. As much as I loved sex in the bed, against the wall, in the shower, and on the floor, I was game to try out the rest of the house.

Bucky laughed when I dashed past him into the bathroom for a quick shower. I briefly considered forgoing clothes and testing the Winter Soldiers resolve when I walked downstairs naked, but ultimately my stomach made the choice for me. I was starving. Food first then the sex, lots more sex.

Slipping on a pair of black panties I pulled Bucky's black t-shirt over my head. It smelled like him which did funny things to my insides. The hem fell to my mid-thigh and I smiled while I brushed my long, wet hair. There was a glow to my skin that made me feel warm all over. I realized it was happiness, something until this moment, I'd never experienced. Well, that combined with some Earth-shattering orgasms.

With a bounce in my step I made my way across the room and down the hall. I felt lighter on my feet, free in a way that was utterly unfamiliar to me. There was a soreness between my legs that made me blush and somewhat giddy. Not too bad for a woman well into her 70s. Skipping down the stairs to the lower level I followed the delicious smells wafting from the kitchen.

"Let's hurry up and eat so we can give that kitchen island a..." I trailed off, slamming to a halt, snapping my mouth closed so fast I might have chipped a tooth. My eyes were wide with shock as I stared at my dad standing in the middle of the kitchen with a downright murderous look on his normally patriotic face.

Soul Stealer ~ (A Bucky Barnes Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now