Split up, still together - the real You Owe Me end

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You sat down at your desk. The muggle cars of London rolled passed, honking and sending fumes into the air. You had rented this flat for the time being. It was nice but muggle. You picked up a piece of paper and pulled out a quill. You put your quill to the paper and wrote;

Dear Albus,

You paused. What to write? You hadn't seen Albus since Grindelwald. You had told him you wanted to visit some more places. He would want to know that your in London, you told yourself. You put your quill back to the page.

Dear Albus,
I told you when I left that I would tell you where I am. Well, here I am. I am in London. It would be nice to meet up, maybe at The Leaky Cauldron or Diagon Alley or maybe even Hogsmeade. I would like to hear more about the well being of Hogwarts, even though what you put it letters isn't enough. I miss you and the others. I can't wait for Jacob and Queenie's anniversary to see them all again.

You let the ink dry, folded it up, wrote Albus Dumbledore, Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, and tied it to your owls leg. You opened your window and watched the owl fly out, praying no muggles had been looking up.


Your in LONDON?!?! We must meet. Let us meet at Hogsmeade so not as to draw attention to ourselves. We should meet at Aberforth's bar,                The Hog's Head. Wear a disguise. Even though Grindelwald's gone, his followers might still want "the greater good". See you... tomorrow? Around noon?

Yes, tomorrow at noon. It would be good to see you and Aberforth again. See you!

You smiled as your owl flew away. You were going to see Albus tomorrow. Tomorrow was going to be great.


"Albus!" you whispered.

Albus slightly jumped and turned around.

You scared me y/n!" he said.

"It's good to see you too," you laughed.

You and Albus were standing outside The Hog's Head bar.

"How are you?" asked Albus, hugging you.

"Better now that I'm at Hogwarts," you said honestly. "You?"

"Good," said Albus. "Ladies first."

He opened the door.


"That was fun,"

You and Albus were now in his office. Albus laughed.

"It was," he said. "We should do that more often."

Your grinned.

"Still planning on traveling?" he asked.

"Yes," you nodded. "Once I'm done, which will be soon I hope, I'll come to Hogwarts."

"You better."


Dear Albus,

Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I just have to do a couple things. You can stop sending me letters, I get them EVERY DAY. I'm fine, don't worry about me. Worry about Hogwarts. Even though Grindelwald happened two years ago and he's dead, who can say one of his followers will take up his mantle. Don't beat yourself up if anything happens to me. I'm fine, it won't be your fault. I won't get hurt, I promise.


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