The election

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The wizarding election was today. And you were late. Well, you weren't

going to see it. You were watching it with a crowd of wizards and witches. The deer-like animal stepped towards Grindelwald and bowed. Something's definitely not right. I need to get there now. But I can only apparate to the city near the place where the election was being held. You turned and apparated. When you appeared people were walking the streets. You ran to the bridge and saw ripples in the air. The instant you ran through them you appeared where the election was. You walked into the walls and you saw that Grindelwald and the others were on the top of the long stairs. A lot was happening. You ran up the stairs as fast as you could. A wizard and a witch stepped in front of you. One of them held up a hand.

"Stop." The witch said. "You are not allowed up here."

"Let me pass." You said. The two shook their heads, no. "I said, let me pass."

"And again, no." The wizard said. You gripped your wand tightly. Before the two could do anything else they were falling onto the stairs. You stepped over their fallen bodies and ran up the stairs towards the people at the top. Spells were going everywhere. Grindelwald was pointing his wand at a disarmed redhead. The others, including Albus, were locked in fights. Just as Grindelwald uttered the words 'Avada Kedavra' you sent a random spell. The two spells intercepted and blew up. Grindelwald and the redhead glanced in your direction.

"Ah, you." Grindelwald said with hatred.

"Help the others!" You ordered the redhead. He nodded and ran off. Grindelwald sent spell after spell after spell at you. It felt like just as the spell left his wand he sent another one. All you could do was protect yourself.

"I'll kill you this time." Grindelwald said. "I'll make sure of it." 

"Are you sure about that?" I asked. "I'm pretty good at defensive magic." You sped up your spells and Grindelwald began to struggle. You took the offensive. Grindelwald faltered. You took that chance to hit him in the chest with a spell. He flew backward into a wall. He sent a spell at me but it was blocked. By Albus. Suddenly something happened. Albus and Grindewald's blood bond broke. Then white blocked you and everyone else from Albus and Grindelwald. 

"Dumbledore!" Someone yelled. It was the redhead. He ran towards the big white ball hiding Albus and Grindelwald.

"Don't!" You yelled at the redhead. "He'll get out." The redhead stepped back.

You were right. The white ball disappeared to show Grindelwald and Albus pointing their wands and each other with their hands on the other's heart. No one moved or spoke. Albus' eyes met yours. He nodded and his eyes returned to Grindelwald. You raised your wand and pointed it at Grindelwald. You hit Grindelwald with a spell. He flew away from you. He got up and fired a spell at you. You stepped out of the way and sent spell after spell at Grindelwald. Spell fights broke out. Albus joined you in fighting Grindelwald but he was attacked by Credence but Credence fell to the ground. He looked really weak. You returned your attention to your fight with Grindelwald. You brought your wand to the ground and the stones popped up and flew up Grindelwald. He destroyed some of them but there were too many. They locked him to the ground and he tried to struggle but stopped because he realized it was no use.

"y/n! Watch out!" The rouge spell missed you by inches. The wizard who had sent the spell fell to the ground as Albus hit him with a spell.  The rest of Grindelwald's followers stepped back as you, Albus, the redhead, and three other people, two wizards and a witch, raised their wands at them. Credence was among them. He looked like he was going to die. For a second happiness flashed through you. Did we actually just win?! But no. In one instant you were happy and in the next Grindelwald was free and shooting a spell at you. You blocked the spell just in time and the fight started up again. But something... different... happened this time. Credence was attacking Grindelwald. And you were sure he was going to collapse on the ground or get murdered by Grindelwald. Grindelwald was about to fire the killing curse at Credence when you stepped in his way and blasted him in the chest with the first spell that came to your mind. Eat slugs. Grindelwald began barfing big black slugs.

"What did you do?" He rasped through slugs.

"What do you think?" You asked. You turned to Credence. "Are you okay kid?" Credence nodded. He was pale – paler than he usually is – and was about to fall to the ground before you caught him and pulled him back to his feet. "Sit down kid." You told him. "You need rest." Credence nodded and walked (more like hobbled) to a wall and sat on the ground, watching the fight. You turned around just in time to block a spell sailing for your head.  Grindelwald was still barfing slugs but a couple wizards and witches stood around him as a witch tried to stop the flow of slugs. The amount of Grindelwald's followers was quickly diminishing. You decided to try and make a dent in Grindelwald's protective barrier. Thankfully Albus and the redhead decided to do the same thing. Quickly, you made a hole in the barrier and made the pavement erupt around Grindelwald and the witch, sending Grindelwald's wall of wizards and witches flying in all directions. Grindelwald looked up through the tornado of stone bricks and met your eyes. Hatred and anger filled them. Albus and the redhead raised their wands in attack and Albus nodded to you to lower the bricknado. Grindelwald's slug problem stopped. The witch got hit with both Albus' and the redhead's spells. Grindelwald ran and before you or anyone could get him he apparated away leaving everyone in a sort of silence. You looked over and saw a man you recognized as Albus' brother Aberforth kneeling over Credence. You stepped towards them but a voice stopped you.

"Give them their time." Albus said. You glanced at him and nodded. "I thought you died." Albus said after a while.

"So did I." You said. "But I guess after eleven months and two days I was suddenly alive."

"Those were a long eleven months." Albus said. "And two days." You gave a small smile. "Have you met these fellow wizards and witch?" Albus asked, indicating the redhead, a small dark haired man, the blonde woman who worked for Grindelwald, a wizard, and a witch. You shook your head.

"No. No I haven't."

"Then let me make you acquainted." Albus said, making you smile as he led the way to the group. 

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