June 26, 2013

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Cavalier, my armor bears th' sun,

Silver shot breastplate marked and bit,

My shield wears dents black smoke has done,

On my helmet rays of glory sit;

On my unbent chest breathes the crest of truth—

Truth that yields me to fire and fight,

I fight for love, void pain, void ruth,

For th' honor of bearing your sight.

Truth's an armor my chapped skin wields,

Th' God who chained our paths together,

Broke from cruel debt, for you I'm sealed—

Bent awing, steeled in your iron feather—

A dragon scaled black in rough smoke,

Breathes bright fire, through fangs of despair;

My unruly sword th' thick scales broke,

My blade the dried black blood does bear;

Second self, the newer defined;

My shield's been punched with blasting sorrow,

Of th' furious savagery kind,

But I'll carry still the tomorrow;

And fight the strides against Us,

Arrows I bend, avenge, and break;

Sharpened days I strike, where I must;

My yawning wounds sleep'ng virtues wake;

All against our love I'll conquer—

Nothing will our passions alter.

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