Oct. 20, 2013

24 1 3

I see those eyes when darkness' sight I take,

They are your eyes my beauteous evil.

Don't deny th' night nor it's cold forsake,

Because you're one with th' dark, an' one with me still.

Your tresses float in the guiles of tomorrow,

They're a wild current for my sight to swim—

They move by the force sheer beauty owes,

And I'm lost in every abstract whim.

Your skin is light like heaven's sandy moon;

I write my name on your ivory chest—

With my lips I feel your warm rushing soon,

Your cheeks ever softer feel my soft best.

I lift you into the morning with my height,

But what does the day have to do with us?

What work could we forage with wonder light?

Where there is always tomorrow here with us.

Forever is a breathe we gave between our lips,

It's th' marks my hot hands stretch across your back,

It's th' desperate heart that on despot love does sip,

It's the bareness our bearing skin does lack.

Evil you are my own, my love, my dear.

What is joy that I'd find it in th' midst of you?

What is goodness then but laced with you here,

What is death then but being untied from you?

Where I am you are my life, my love, my greed;

I am the darkness bold, you're th' dark I need.

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