Chapter 3

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Karina hobbled around that week and knocked into everything with her crutches and cast. Fortunately, her job was accommodating and it didn't really get in the way of her classes, which was good because she missed a lot when she was first in the hospital (her professors were understanding, but she didn't explain how she got injured, of course).

She struggled to leave Yonsei Orthopedic Clinic, a little grumpy. She stopped herself from biting the head of one of the clinic staff who wished her a good day as she left her appointment. She took a seat on a bench outside, bundled up in her winter clothes, her cast covered in a XXL wool sock and waited for Yeji to get her. ("Five minutes, dude. Tell your hot doctor who hates me that I say hey.").

Whatever happened the previous week between her and Dr. Kim didn't seem to factor in the doctor's behavior towards her today. She was perfectly professional, respectful, and kept her distance until the end of the appointment.

There was a brief moment at the end, though – so brief. Karina took off her toque and the doctor reached up to tuck a strand of Karina's hair behind her ear. Karina got a feeling – almost like déjà vu – where she could almost see them doing this together at home, together and happy. It was a strange and unfamiliar thought and it made her yearn for something she never thought she'd want.

Then the doctor pulled away and abruptly ended the appointment.

Karina was positive she looked ridiculous as she navigated through the frozen aisle of the grocery story. She caught her reflection in the glass. Seeing herself struggling to push the cart and maneuver on one crutch (the other crutch in the cart) made her cringe. She probably should've gotten help with this, but she was a fucking adult who could get her own damn groceries for herself.

She stopped the cart in front of the frozen pizza section and tried to pull open the freezer door. She tugged, not quite getting the leverage needed to open it, then braced herself more firmly on the crutch. She yanked again, this time with more force, but the momentum caused her to swing backwards. Her immediate thought was "Oh damn", when she felt a small, but strong, body lean up behind her, bracing her.

"I think it would be beneficial if you didn't injure yourself again," the person said. Karina huffed. Of course.

Karina stood up straight as best as she could, then turned to face the woman who had occupied her thoughts for the last several days. Karina's eyes trailed up her body; she hadn't ever seen her in casual clothes. While the doctor always looked beautiful, seeing her in public, dressed in something other than her white coat, added another layer to her interest.

Dr. Kim must've noticed Karina's stare, if her raised eyebrows were any indication. Karina smiled, knowing she was caught, and pointedly stared in the doctor's eyes.

"Dr. Kim. Hey."

"Hi Karina. Can I grab something for you?" She pointed at the freezer, her expression was mocking and smug, and Karina would've wanted to wipe that look off her face if she wasn't also so freaking adorable.

"Uh, no, that's fine, I have everything under control."

The doctor raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

Karina leered, which didn't serve to intimidate her, at all; she grinned back instead.

"Listen cupcake, I've been getting myself groceries for many, many years. Crutches aren't going to stop me."

"Okay," the doctor said, hands up, but still smirking. "Go ahead, open the freezer."

Karina's eyes narrowed and turned, staring down the door (Just cooperate, okay?), before giving it a tug, again, and falling backwards, again.

The doctor's laugh was expected. The arms that snaked around her waist were not; they made her heart skip.

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