00: him and me, us.

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Questioning my love for him and its significance?

Digging for our weaknesses and the angles of our separation?

Unable to locate it, so you fabricated it?

  Do not remind me of his flaws... cruel, possessive, and distant...

They can't overshadow his qualities:
His love for me.
The love that he has for me.
He loves me,
And many more: like he loves me.

with me he's another person,
Occasionally worse and other times the greatest.

Because this is an act of love.
I am smitten by him,
And he is loved by me.

This is a story about a girl and a guy...

Who destroyed her with his violence and re-collected her with his love.

She saw him, beautiful, mysterious and entertaining...

But you are essentially blind if you can't comprehend what you see.

And when she gained understanding, she didn't mind the cost she had to give to learn how to be free like him, yet he ended up captivating her with his details.

He tortured her with his ambiguous sadism, but it didn't hurt, Somehow, she enjoyed it.

Was she masochistic?
Maybe curious and bored?

We fought, yelled,hugged, and then we made up... Everyday.

That long summer... I spent with my nine friends.

We were different, but we shared our excitement for life despite its injustice and hardships.

This is how I was born, Kim Nanna.

I will share with you my "first and last love" cycle.

I'm not insane, I just used my heart and neglected my thoughts...

The mind ruins love.

And love revives us, so plunder my being and revive my dreams... Neth.


Genre: mystery, romance, dark comedy, chick lit.

Lmao don't be fooled it's a story about bunch of shameless sluts and manwhores being drunk 24/07 and doing embarrassing things.

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