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I sighed deeply, feeling content despite my soberness. Obviously, everything in me wanted to smoke a fat blunt, but I refrained for two reasons: one, because I would feel bad for doing it this soon after scaring my family, and two, because I was currently laying on Chloe's bed listening to music as she read. She didn't have much weed laying around.

I was used to my sad country, but Chloe put on some punk rock/indie playlist that I could get behind. It was relaxing, just snuggling up in the blankets and watching her ceiling fan go around. I was reminded of when I would spend time with Jayvon, and I instantly shivered and flipped myself so I was facing my friend. She was deeply submerged in the book she was reading, so much that I felt like I couldn't interrupt her. She had always been like that.

Since I'd known her for so long, I knew exactly how to break her out of her reading trance. I smiled softly, and leaned my head up against her shoulder. She flinched a bit at the sudden touch, but I just pressed against her until she was relaxed. Then, I shoved my hand in front of her face, and pushed down her book.

"Hey!" She yelped, seeming to jump out of her skin. "I was just at the part where I was going to figure out how—never mind! Paige, don't do that!"

I just stared at her, the small smile stuck to my face, until she realized she was yelling at me over a book. She took a deep breath, and said, "I feel really stupid right now because you always used to do that. And you knew I'd react that way."

"Yup," I giggled, nodding in good humor. She sighed and asked what I wanted, and I said, "I dunno. I'm just bored, so I might head out."

"Dang, okay," Chloe shrugged, avoiding my eyes. "Are you...going to go smoke or something?"

"Nah," I waved the thought away, but inside, I was aching to smoke. As much as I hated to lie to her, I was probably going to. I just felt bad about disappointing her. "I'm just gonna go back to sleep at my place, or maybe spend some time with Brooke." That part was true; we were going to have a conversation about my state of mind...yay.

"Well, if you are, could I come? I haven't seen her in forever." She asked hesitantly, looking at me with dark, sad, longing eyes.

It was hard to say no, but I shook my head. "I'm sorry, we just have to talk some stuff out. I'm sure she would love to see you another day though, while you're in Pittsburgh."

Chloe nodded and looked back to her book. Instead of reading, though, she was just picking at the pages. I wasn't sure if she believed me, or if she was just nervous to let me go. It made me feel even worse for lying to her. After a while, she said, "I'll walk you out."

I got my shoes on, but before we left her room, a saddish guitar melody started playing on her speaker. She paused, then glanced over at me and asked, "Do you know this song?"

I shook my head after thinking a moment. "Nope."

"It's called 'Tired Of You', by the Exies. I know you're a country person, but it's a good song." She smiled a bit at me and led me out before the song even reached the chorus. I decided, if I didn't forget, I would listen to the full song later.

"Bye, Paige! You should come again to see me and catch up!" Christi yelled from the kitchen as I left, and I called back a goodbye before closing the front door behind me.

The first visit to the Lukasiak's in six years was way better than I imagined it would be. I went to apologize to Chloe, and I did just that. Christi seemed happy enough to see me. I considered the visit as a whole as a win, immediately thinking back to myself a month ago, and how I would never imagine this happening. As I drove away, I smiled.

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