Will's Death Rewrite (aka improved version)

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It's been almost a year since I've written this, so why not rewrite it? This version is 239289x better so you can read the original but I'd recommend reading this version instead. Also, this version doesn't follow the headcanon that the original was based on. Will still dies, though. I would also like to apologize for how lengthy this became. I had lots of fun writing, though!



Nico got them regularly. Clawing his way through Tartarus, being torn away from his family members, Cupid exposing him..

As of right now, he was bolting as fast as his legs could take him. There was a sheet of perspiration running all over his face, and a fire was burning in his lungs. Creatures of Tartarus he didn't recognize, as they'd started chasing him before he could get a good look, were behind him. A knot started to twist in his side, and soon it felt like someone was knitting with his skin.

The creatures expressed inhuman speed, faster than Nico had ever seen. And soon one of them had clawed at his hair, yanking him back and sending tears of agony in his eyes. Nico wanted to scream as one of the creatures launched their claws (nico called them killer acrylics) and cut his scalp with ease, sending crimson blood down his neck. Nico quickly unsheathed his Stygian Iron sword, spun around, and swiped at them. He learned that he was far too slow when his head was slammed into one of the creature's knees. 



Will had lots of it. It was often the reason for his chaotic sleep schedule and early cups of coffee and morning walks. He was on one right now, dressed in his typical khaki shorts, CHB shirt, flannel, and flip-flops. His eyes grew heavy as he approached Cabin Thirteen. Maybe I should go back to sleep...

The thought left his mind immediately when he heard an unsettling THUD from the Hades Cabin. Hazel was at Camp Jupiter and, as far as Will knew, there weren't any other Hades kids. Will decided that he'd go into the cabin to check on his boyfriend. His nightmares had gotten increasingly worse recently; apparently Nico had been hearing whispers saying to 'watch the boy' and 'keep your eyes peeled'. 

He walked up to the door of the Hades cabin, knocking gently. "Nico? You okay?" he asked. After waiting for an answer and not getting one, he tenderly opened the door and slipped inside, setting his coffee cup down on one of the tables. 

Nico was on the floor near his bunk. Will guessed he'd been on the top bunk and had fallen. His lips were dry and cracked, skin pale (though that was normal), cheeks damp with tears, and eyes covered with a glossy layer of new tears. Will bent down next to him, carefully placing his hands over Nico's cheeks, rubbing his tears away with his thumb.  "Nightmares?" he said, his voice hardly above a whisper. 

Nico nodded and met Will's eyes. He looked ready to cry, but Will had assumed he'd just been crying. Will wiped away another tear, then gently enveloped Nico in a hug. Nico cried into his collarbone for a minute or two, burying his head there like he would never leave. Will smiled sadly. He enjoyed being there for his loved one, but he hated seeing him like this. Nico didn't deserve half of the things that happened to him. Will would stand by that no matter how cliché it sounded. Will played with Nico's dark hair, as it was therapeutic for the both of them. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Will whispered. Will felt the vibrations when Nico said, "you already know about it. It was the killer acrylics." 

"We can still talk about it if you want to," Will replied. It was important to talk about how you felt, even if it had already happened. Communication was of extreme importance, especially in a relationship. 

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