First day (reprised)

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So this is set before the time skip and the hexsqaud still goes to hexside. About 6 months after the battle with Belos

Hunter was so excited, today was his first day at hexside and everyone else was returning after a year of being in the human realm Bump took back as principal and demoted Boasha, from being the "leader of new hexside". Hunter and Luz had ot two classes together. Hunter chose the potions track and Luz being Luz was still study every track, so she ended up having a class or two with everyone. (Darius wasn't able to take care of Hunter right away. He still had to things to take care of after the battle with Belos, so Hunter was living with Luz, Eda, and King for now.)

Hunter woke up with a lot of pep in his step he was super excited, Luz however was not so happy she still had to wake up around the same time she did for human school but at least she had friends that make it a little more easier.

They both got dressed and ready to go to school. Eda was in the kitchen sipping on her apple blood and king just sat at the table and colored as they two made their way down the stairs. "Morning kiddos, excited for your first day," she pointed at hunter, "and your first day, back in like a year?"  "Yeah but I don't remember being this tried back then" Luz said as she stretched with a yawn. "Yeah because you spent all night talking about a-" Hunter started to say but Luz but a hand to cover his mouth before he could finish. Eda just looked at both of them confused but waved it off. "Well anyway if y'all don't hurry you'll be late and bump won't be to happy." She said as she jestered towards the door. "Oh yeah ok, come on Luz let's go." Hunter said as he enthusiastically walked out the door.

Hunter hadn't craved his pailsmen at the time so he had to ride with Luz on Stringbean. Luz pulled out Stringbean and gave king a kiss on the head, he had ran up to give her a good bye hug. "You better come back" he whispered. "I will, I promise." She whispered back and gave him a tighter hug. Stringbean flew off in a flash with both Hunter and Luz on her.

"So be honest are you nervous?" Luz asked Hunter on their way to school. "Ummm kinda, I mean I already met everyone there but like what if they don't like me? What if they think that I'm just a really big super jerk or some thing? What if I walk into the wrong class? What if-" Luz puts a finger to cover his mouth "chill dude 1 you're a guy that's very hard not to like 2 your NOT a really big super jerk like you where before, and 3 it can't possibly be as bad as my first day." Luz turned forward as she continued to steer.

Hunter looked up confused "wait what happened your first day?"
"A-" "Hey over here!"  A familiar voice shouted Luz and Hunter looked over to see Willow waving towards them Amity and Gus beside her waiting by the steps of hexside.

"Sweet potato!" Luz landed Stringbean  immediately ran up to Amity, gave her a long twirling hug, and kissed her left check multiple times. Amity giggled at this "hi Luz" she hugged back just as tight. "You saw each other 3 days ago." Hunter said "3 days is a long time to go with seeing any of y'all honestly." Luz said as she let Amity go but then intertwined their hands together.

"Whatever" Hunter rolled his eyes "so Hunter are you ready for your FIRST. DAY AT. HEXSIDE.?" Willow shouted and grabbed his hands. Hunter looked down at their held hands and a huge very noticeable blush climbed on to his face. "Oh my titan sorry" Willow said she dropped his hand thinking she hurt him, But a slight blush crawled on her face to.

"I'll bet you 20 snails if Hunter confesses first" Luz whispered in Amity's ear. "Oh you are so losing 20 snails."  Amity whispered back "what makes you say that?" Luz looked at Amity "I don't know but Willow's got more confidence I feel like she'll do it first"
" your on." Luz said she kissed her check and went to give a pep talk to Hunter.

"Remember what we said on the way here 'it at least can be worst then my first day.'" Hunter looked at Luz "wait you never told me what happened that day..." Everyone looked up in slight akawardness "ohhhh" Willow said "so basically an 'inspector' from the emperors coven was actually a greater Baskilis ,like vee but more meaner and deadlier, and then tried to suck all the magic life from everything." Gus said "oh" Hunter said "ohhhhhhh" I remembered reading the report on that."

TOH one shots just cause Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant