Questions and answers

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Bowser placed Luigi down when they were in there room. Bowser said that he was going to go check on Jr and would be right back. Luigi nodded and smiled. Bowser smiled in return then left and shut the door behind him. Luigi put his stuff down near the bed's nightstand. The room was truly beautiful. It looked like something out of a fairytale. Well that's what Luigi thought anyway. The walls of the room were white and there was a light baby pink colored that almost looked white for the color of the desk with drawers and the handles for them were gold and a small white mirror on top of the desk. In front of the desk was a large window with light pink curtains. The curtains where very thick and blocked out the light. On the ceiling was a white ceiling fan with lights on them. And the floors of the room were a cherry wood color, there was a good sized white tv stand with a tv hanging above it and lights behind it that were glowing all the colors of the rainbow and would change slowly to another color. On the left hand side and a few steps away, There was double white door that Luigi walked too and opened it and saw that it was closet with a dresser at the bottom of it. Luigi walked away from the closet closing the doors when he left. In the middle of the room was a California king sized bed there was six pillows and a very fluffy pink blanket on the end of the bed with a white sheet and a white blanket that covered the whole bed. Near each side of the bed was night stands that had some chargers and a light on each of the nightstands. The bed looked very fluffy and soft. Luigi started to walk to the right hand side of the tv and a few steps away there was a white door with a golden handle. Luigi opened the door and saw that it was a bathroom. The bathroom had pink and white tiles for the floor and marble counter tops with a dark pink cabinet. There was a walk in shower that had glass walls and a back panel that was white stone and so was the floor. Then a couple steps away was a window that over looked the garden that had some white short curtains and a golden curtain rod, and curtain hooks. The tub was a built in with a large counter that held the tub and it was the same marble as the others. The tub was in it and it had jets as well. that was huge. It was a white tub with a golden faucet. The tub was huge it was so big that it looked like it could fit bowser in his normal size. The tub was beautiful and so was the whole room. Luigi left and closed the door behind him, he went over to where the bed was and sat down. He crawled up the the bed where all the pillows were, he used them to support his back. He grabbed on and put it on his lap, he grabbed his bag and pulled out a book and started to read it. Luigi had one book that was his favorite. He had two sections of books that he kept on hand. Ones that Jr could read and that he loved to read to Jr as well. And then there was books that Luigi loved to read. The book that he had on him was called Halfway to the grave. It is about some girl killing vampires like there's no tomorrow hopping that one of them are her deadbeat dad. The reason was that her father ruined her mom's life. But she was a vampire herself. She was then all of a sudden kidnapped by a vampire bounty hunter. The bounty hunter forced her into a relationship and in return he would help her find her father. She then starts to train and she becomes a really good fighter. Her fighting skills were as sharp as her fangs. The bounty hunter convinces her that being half vampire and human is not so bad. But a group of people that want the bounty hunter dead chanced them out of their home and went after them. And she has to choose. And the bounty hunter is looking really good to her. Luigi absolutely loves this book. He loved romance books that were filled with drama,pain,and love well the kind of love that was hot steamy. Sometimes he would find a book both him and bowser likes to read. And when they found a book that they both like they would take turns reading the book out loud at night and after talk about it. It was like their own little book club. Luigi started to read the book from where he left off. Luigi loved to read it, it was fun and it made time go by faster.

〜1 hour later〜

Luigi finally finished the chapter that he was reading. He sighed as a smile appeared on his face. He put the book down on the bed and got off the bed. And walked to the door. He decided that he was going to go see what the princess wanted. So he opened the door and walked out and saw one of her Guards near her room. Luigi asked where the princess was and the guard said that she was in her work room. Luigi thanked him and walked to where her work room was. After a few minutes Luigi finally reached the room and he knocked on it. After a few seconds peach opened the door and invited him in. He gladly took the invitation and walked in. The princess shut the door behind Luigi and told him to sit down where ever he would like. Luigi sat down in a soft baby pink couch like chair. The princess sat in a work like chair that was white. The princess smiled at Luigi and Luigi smiled back.

( P - Peach L - Luigi B - Bowser BJ - Bowser Jr
TS - ToadStool )

P: so how are you Luigi?

L: I'm good! And how are you princess?

Peach giggled at what Luigi said. Luigi thought that he said something wrong and she was going to laugh at him.

P: please just call me peach.

L: O-Oh! ok.

P: and by the way I've been good.

L: that's good!

P: so enough of the chitchat. How long have you and bowser been dating?

L: well it's been probably a few years of us just being friends then we started to date when the peace treaty was in place.

P: wait so you guy were friends when I was being kidnapped?

L: yup

P: wow. Well um has he been nice to you?

L: yeah he has never hurt me.

P: now you don't have to answer this one if you don't want to but how come you guys are so touchy? Because I wouldn't think of bowser to be the touchy kind.

Luigi looked away and sighed. He looked happy before but now his look was sad. Hell even miserable looking.

L: you need to promise me not to tell anyone ok?

P: ok? I promise.

L: . . . he is very careful of his size and how strong he is. . . He already was careful with Jr but koopa's have tough skin no matter the age but when there kids there skin is tough but not as tough as an adults. Well I don't have that kind of skin. . . I'm much more. . . I guess fragile is a good way too put it. I have very soft or not as tough skin. He found that out when his finger nail rubbed my skin in a weird direction and it caused my skin to cut. And he saw that and he didn't want to hurt me so he stoped touching me all together. After a while I started to hate everything and I ran into his room one day and I scared him a little I didn't mean too. But I ran up to his and got face to face with him and told him I didn't care what he did with me as long as he touched me. He had small tears in his eyes and he did as I asked. And from that day on he promised that he would never do that again. Though it's not like I don't have my own issues that I've been trying to work through.

Peach was stunned. She didn't know what to say and even if she did she didn't know where to start. She would have never thought that bowser would do something like that. It was very shocking and hard to believe. But finally she found her words and forced them out.

P: well as long as you guys got over it.

L: yeah . . ,

P: um-

As peach was about to speak a knock was heard at the door. It was a loud knock. It was as loud as a bomb going off. Luigi looked at the door with his eyes sparkling. He knew who that was and peach was pretty sure she knew who it was too. Peach told Luigi that she will go answer it. She got up and went over to the door and opened it to see bowser. She smile and asked him to come in and pick a chair. And just as she said that bowser walked into the room. Peach shut the door behind them and went over to her chair that she was previously sitting in. Peach watched as bowser got a white couch like chair. He moved his chair over to were Luigi was sitting and placed the chair right next to him. He then hugged Luigi as tight as he could. Peach smiled at the sight and let out a relaxed sigh with a smile spread across her face.

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