Chapter four - 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐛 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐛

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KAMARI LOOMIS remembered right before that Halloween party, she snuck into
"Jason's " house.

Wearing her Fathers Ghost mask, feeling proud of herself for finally finishing the work her father started.

No more stab movies, just more killing. And feeling the human body feel more and more animal, and less like a person.

"A little slumber party, with the core five!" She got interrupted by her thoughts by Chad, and she raised an eyebrow.

"Four five?" She replied, earning a "yeah" from the boy. "Did you just like give us a nickname?" Tara asked, "I sure did!."

"I mean we've all been through a lot together, and it's a pretty cool nickname." Which made Kamari fake a smile, "that's debatable" Mindy replied.

"It's extremely debatable" Tara replied, "you can't just give yourself a nickname dingus" Mindy said, "of course I can, dingus" he replied.

"Because I just did" he smiled, "core five, up top!" . He raised his hand for a high five, "no" Mindy said simply.

"Get that away from me" Tara spoke, motioning to his hand. He turned to Kamari, "please for the love of god." Mindy interrupted with a laugh, "don't do it!."

"You know? I would appreciate like a little more respect and support" Chad rambled, and then Anika popped in.

"Guys. What the hell?" She played the channel, which a interview was speaking on about Sam and that party.

"We're hearing from sources inside the homicide division, that the prime suspect is none other than Samantha carpenter, one of the survivors of the Woodsboro killing in 2022, seen here attacking a woman on the street last night."

It showed the video from the party, which was of the few drunk girls. Kamari had a small glare on her face, which her eyes were drawn to the ground.

She was a Loomis, of course she didn't give a single shit about the rumors. But the way she remembered the way people talked about her dad, made her feel like she was sick to her stomach.

"In the wake of the Woodsboro tragedy last year, rumors sprouted online- that the carpenter was actually responsible for the killings, blaming the crimes on her boyfriend, Richie Kirsch-"

Him speaking and hearing that name, only reminded Kamari of Ethan. And his brother, who was killed by the hands of none other than Samantha Carpenter.

Sam paused the TV, and walked over to the table; pulling a chair out and sitting down. Tara and Kamari shared a look, and then Tara over to Sam.

They started a conversation, which the others joined in. "We've all been through some fucked-up stuff" Chad says, "and we are coping with it differently".

"But I mean, we moved here together for one specific reason. We are a team" he added, referring to the group.

Sam scoffed playfully, "we are...the core fucking five." Mindy replied, earning a "thank you very much!" From her twin.

"Ah I hate myself!" Mindy joked, and they all laughed. "You said it." Tara joked, "that is what I'm talking about!."

"It's the core five!." He chuckled, "say it" Mindy said. "I'm not gonna say it" Tara replied, and so did Kamari "me neither" she chuckled.

"I mean, yes we are a team, but.." Tara replied, smiling. "It's got a nice ring to it" Chad replied, but Kamari could think of one thing.

She hopes the plan works.

"I've been sleeping with cute boy from across the hall.." Sam randomly said, earning a bunch of "I knew it's".

Sam saw Kamaris face that was a "thinking" face as she zoned out, "I think Kam here has a secret too" Sam joked.

Kamari blushed, and everyone waited for her to respond. "I've been sleeping with uhm, Ethan" she replied with a smile, her voice was small but they could all hear.

"I knew it!" Mindy exclaimed, "shy boy and the trusted friend!" Tara joked earning more laughs. "I feel like we should just high five or something?" Tara spoke.

Kamari saw the boy from across the Hall and she put on the "scared" look, and her breath quickened.

Not because of hoping they get out safe, but of the plan working.

"Guys-" she said, "Kam?" Mindy replied worriedly. And then Kamari replied, "cute boy is trying to catch our attention"

And then Sam's phone rang, and Tara took it. "Is that him?" Mindy joked, and Tara took it back. "Hey what are your intentions?."

"No it's fine, I'll- I'll just call him back" Sam spoke, a smile still on her lips.

They all heard Quinn moaning in her room, and the group laughed. But Kamari just smirked slightly, it was all going according to plan.

"Quinn and her gentlemen caller are back at it again." Tara joked, "she's getting it too?" Mindy replied.

Everyone looked at their phones, feeling the vibrations. They saw a picture, ghost face was practically killing Quinn.

The group was silent, and looked up from their phones. "Help! Stop!" They heard Quinn yell. Then in unison they all started to run.

"Tara, wait, wait!" Chad started, grabbing her hand and pulling her back.
The group was silent, as they heard Quinn stop begging for help.

"Run." Mindy spoke, but the door kicked open. Mindys body had fell right onto Anika, and she screamed.

Kamari as no one was looking, looked over at the Ghost face; aka Ethan. She smiled, but looked back at the group with a fake frown.

"Guys, come on!" Tara yelled, the girls still looked at the "dead" body. Mindy stood up, "oh fuck."

Ethan went forward, slashing Mindys arm. And Sam flew back, "Mindy!." She cried, "stay the fuck back!" Anika started to fight Ghost face.

But he started to choke her, and Sam and Kamari ran to the kitchen. "Sam, hurry!" Kamari rushed, looking at the girl.

Sam grabbed something hard and a box shape object, "hey!" She yelled, throwing the object at the boy.

The next door boy grabbed a ladder, trying his best to find a way for the girls to climb over. And it worked, shit Kamari thought.

"You have to come, one at a time" Danny said, and Sam looked at Mindy and Kamari. "You two go first!" She said.

Sam and Kamari made it, and then Mindy kissed Anika as it was their last kiss. And Mindy made her way to the latter, climbing slowly as she got hurt.

"That's it Mindy" Sam reassured, and eventually made it too the other side. "Oh my god! I cant do it. I cant do it." Anika sobbed, looking at the group.

They tried helping her, but all Ethan did was shake the Ladder. Kinda hot, Kamari thought.

And soon, Anika laid dead on the ground. And Mindy sobbed, and Sam held her. And Kamari looked proud, yet tears flowing down her cheeks from frustration.

Word count; 𝟏𝟏𝟒𝟑

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