Meeting a bully

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The bell rang. I was finally allowed out of that damn physics class. Immediately after I walked out of the classroom, I pulled my hood back over my head and I walked to the ground floor. It was extremely busy in the auditorium, so I stayed in the hallway. There was a corner near the elevator that was a little less busy, so I walked over there.

After five minutes some guys walked up to me. They were at first surprised to see someone standing in apparently "their" spot. Because I had my earbuds in, I couldn't hear what they were saying, but their looks said enough. I pulled out my earbuds and looked at them questioningly. One of the boys said again what he apparently had said earlier. I had to 'fuck off' because this was their place. I shrugged and rudely asked if they could prove it. The tallest one (probably the leader) looked at me irritated. He came forward. "Do I need to make it any clearer?" he said restrainedly. "You're the newbie and we're the oldest. You don't belong in this place, so Fuck off!" I looked at him, judging how big he was. Probably something like 6'"? Yes something like that. I stood up slowly, and straightened up completely. Luckily I had estimated it correctly, because now I was 3 inches taller than him. I saw him swallow when I looked straight into his eyes, but I still walked away to find another place. He had plans for me. But I would outsmart him. Then I changed my mind. I walked back to the spot. The boys looked at me suspiciously when I reached out my hand and introduced myself. The leader looked at me in surprise, but shook my hand anyway. "Maybe it would be useful if we knew each other's names." I told him. He told him his name: Branko. The little one next to him was called Levi, the emo on the other side was Kay. Then I said I was going to find another place and just walked away. Branko shouted after me that I couldn't just walk away, but I did so anyway. He shouted a few more times, but I went to the auditorium. The boys with him apparently thought it was brilliant, because they could no longer contain their laughter, and they were reprimanded because of it by Branko.

After the seventh hour my day was over. I walked back to my bike. It was as broken as before. I unlocked it and mounted. I had just left the school grounds, when I suddenly heard three motorcycles. "Hey Damian!" I suddenly heard behind me. I looked back and suddenly saw a front wheel coming towards me. Branko was the doing a wheely. I laughed. Something like that could go wrong so easily. I ordered 'fail' onto Branko's mind. I don't know why I did it, but it was instinct. I focused on myself again when suddenly I heard a motorcycle scraping across the asphalt. That didn't sound very pleasant, for Branko that is. I had to do something to keep my smile. I heard him swearing and ranting. His friends came towards him in shock and stood there watching. Then Branko started scolding them. 'Do something for God's sake. The bike is damn heavy!' I couldn't hold back a little laugh anymore. Branko had probably heard that and he also threw a few words after me. "You're going to regret that, Damian!" I shook my head laughing.

Finally I got home. I immediately ran upstairs. Niels and Marit didn't need to know that I was already home. I felt like drawing. I had to get my ideas out. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. Whenever I drew I saw the events of the day flash by. I never dared to tell anyone, because maybe it wasn't normal, but when I saw that, the worst feelings such as hatred and annoyance were incorporated into my drawings. This time I drew a dragon with shaking wings. He sprayed flames at the people that wronged him. It was drawn so realistically that it looked as if the drawing was actually moving. The wings seemed to move and you could see the fire engulfing the people. Then it seemed like people were shouting. It was terrifying. A masterpiece. I hung it on my bulletin board. Proudly I looked at my drawing skills. I nodded happily. There hang some more. Like of a woman on a pyre, people with torches setting a house on fire, and a vampire getting burned by the sun. All chilling drawings, but I loved every single one of them, even though i knew it wasn't normal.

I shook my head, thinking about the paintings, making myself angry for no reason. Suddenly I had a fit of rage. Not very unusual, but I needed to get rid of my anger. I hit my fist hard on the table and screamed my anger out. Weirdly I heard a loud cracking sound behind me. I looked back, surprised and luckily a little calmer. There was a crack in my mirror. I looked at it in surprise. How had that happened? I walked over and looked inside. I missed something. Something that should normally be there. But I couldn't think of it. Then it hit me! I gasped. It was my reflection! It was gone. I could no longer see myself, but I could see what was behind me. Looking in the mirror, I slowly walked back. I grabbed the office chair and pushed it back. You saw the chair move, but you couldn't see me doing it. That wasn't possible, right? What had happened to me? I immediately went to my laptop and typed into Google's search engine: 'no mirror image.' It got some hits. It said something about: soulless beings have no reflection. See 'vampire'. I pressed the link. I read something about having trouble walking in the sun and having snow-white skin. It was true, but I just couldn't be a vampire. They didn't exist... did they? Then I searched for the search term 'mirror broken by anger', but I only found people who had broken mirrors. Then I searched for the search term 'telekinesis'. That did yield some results. You could train it and it really existed. I was interested and wanted to try it out for fun. I took a square piece of paper, folded it in half a few times and placed it on a stick. Then I sat back and cleared my head. I looked intently at the piece and without having to concentrate very much, it started to spin. At some point it fell off. I was left speechless. How had that been so easy? I searched my room for a draft or wind blowing from anywhere, but that turned out not to be the case. Had it really been my mind?

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