5. Simon

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While Demien and Jax sat down to talk and have dinner, somewhere deep in Freeland forest, Simon laid down on a hammock in the common area of the lab's sleeping quarters. When he wasn't out reeking havoc, he stayed at the larger lab along with five other doctors so he could remain hidden but also to keep an eye on his creations. Each room was its own apartment, a common area shared amongst them all was meant for meetings or lounging, though the only one who lounged about late at night was Simon. This night was different. It was eerily quiet.

The dark anchor shaped beard complimented the missing hair on Simon's head. Shaved by choice and not by lack, he's learned that sometimes playing too close to the fire may singe your hair off. So what better way to prevent uneven growth than to just cut it all off?

He turned his head as he heard a vehicle approaching, followed by car doors slamming, and the swipe of a key card. He waited a few moments before he turned to the door where Rowan had just appeared. Simon smiled, his nimble fingers waving a knife around before pointing it to a plate on the table nearest to him.

"Mango? Oranges? Help yourself, I picked them up fresh today." Simon smiled, mostly at himself as Rowan shot him an annoyed glance.

"She destroys the lab... and you're just swinging your feet and eating tropical fruit?" Rowan scoffed as he walked over to a leather couch nearby as Thea followed right behind him. Simon stabbed a piece of mango as he shrugged.

"We still have the most important lab. This one." He replied. Thea sat down at the opposite end of the couch as her and Rowan glanced at Simon. She usually stayed quiet and out of both men's way. Though Simon now slowly turned to Thea and smirked. "Aren't I right dear?" Caught off guard that he'd want her opinion, she quickly nodded.

"And now that every experiment has been released-"

"Not every experiment." Simon said, cutting her off mid-sentence. Thea and Rowan both looked at Simon confused. Simon chuckled and sat up in the hammock, his bare feet touching the ground. His blue eyes locked themselves on only Thea's as he brought the knife up to his mouth, grabbing the piece of mango with his teeth, chewing half of it off into his mouth.

"What do you mean, why would you keep one?" Thea asked. Simon tilted his head before standing up. Rowan watched the two as he leaned back into the couch, his brows furrowing slightly.

"Tell me Thea," Simon began as he threw the knife forcefully towards the wall. The knife dug itself into the wall behind Thea's head with a sharp 'thud'. She flinched slightly, looking back at him. If "concern" needed a photo next to it in the dictionary, it would be her facial expression in this exact moment. "Are you sure you didn't tell Elaine where this lab was?" He asked, biting down on his lip before sighing softly. "You know.. when you were flapping your fucking gums to her about what was happening in our labs?" Simon scowled, raising his voice with those last few words. His eyes began to turn into a much lighter blue color, almost losing their hue completely.

"What?! How dare you suggest that I had anything to do with her running away!" Thea shook her head and stood up, trying to come off as assertive, or more so offended, even though Simon was right. She had told Elaine in hopes that she would tell Jax. Thea knew what it could mean if they got their hands on Jax's magic, and she knew she had to run. This project was dangerous simply because all Simon wanted was power. To create fear and a following of those who'd worship him. Rowan crossed each of his arms over one another and shook his head. He sighed, grunting slightly as he stood up before he spoke.

"We know you told her. Which is cause for concern... considering she spoke to Jax... and we're pretty sure you knew that too." Rowan met Thea's gaze before he looked at Simon and nodded. Without looking at Thea he spoke up again, "I'm sorry Thea. But you know what this means to me. I can't let anyone get in our way. Not even you." Rowan began walking toward where they had come in, closing the door behind him as his footsteps faded.

"I don't know what either of you are talking about, Simon... you have to believe me! Rowan?!" Thea yelled out, her voice shaking as she watched the door close behind Rowan. Simon cringed slightly as she yelled, then began to shake his head slowly.

"I don't have to do jack shit buttercup." He smiled, walking towards her as he tilted his head once again. He waved a hand as the door behind him swung off its hinges. Thea ducked as the door went flying past them, only to look up and see a tall creature standing there. At least eleven feet tall, it resembled a wendigo, only that this creature's eyes were way too human. As if someone was trapped inside of the horrid beast, and there probably was.

"No Simon, please!!" Thea pleaded. Simon shook his head and shrugged.

"I wouldn't even try to run.. These things are fast." Simon smirked as the creature didn't hesitate in lunging towards her. Simon stood there watching, listening to her screams until it was just the sound of the wendigo feeding. He then grabbed the plate of fruit off the table and sat back into the hammock, picking up an orange slice and examining it for seeds before he popped it into his mouth.


Back at the estate, Demien and Jax had finished eating. They both stood at the same moment, looking at each other and smiling. Demien walked over to her and extended his arm towards her once more. This time, she took it. One of her maids walked over to them, meeting Jax's gaze.

"Sarah and I will be retiring to our rooms soon. We've left a few options for your sleep attire in your room." She smiled. "Tomorrow we will only be around if you'd like us too, on call I suppose." She laughed. Jax smiled at her and nodded.

"Thank you.." she replied. She nodded back and walked towards the door, opening them for the pair as they walked out and past the guards.

"I'm sorry I hadn't recognized you." Demien broke the silence. Jax looked up at him and half-smiled.

"It's been a decade. And we were children, D." She replied.

He shook his head slightly.

"It should've never been a decade." He said, sighing softly. Jax looked at him once more, her facial expression becoming a little more serious when she heard him sigh.

Once they reached Jax's suite Demien let go of her arm gently. She turned to him and smiled.

"Well. We've caught up on what I've been up to the last decade. Your turn tomorrow." She said. Demien raised a brow and smirked.

"You wish." His reply caught her off guard.

"Don't tell me you've been up to no good? That'd be expected and makes me not want to know anymore." She rolled her eyes as she turned the knob, pushing the door open slightly. He laughed.

"Definitely was up to no good. Always am." He shrugged his shoulders and she couldn't help but agree. "But yes, we can catch up some more tomorrow." He smiled.

"Goodnight." She nodded and slipped into her room.

"Goodnight." Demien watched the door close as he spoke. He looked around before beginning to walk down the hall, passing by one of the meeting rooms as he heard whispers. His hand raised itself, engulfing the door in black smoke only he could see this time. He saw three silhouettes inside, recognizing the voices.

When Jax walked into her room, she noticed a few garments on her bed. She immediately grabbed the pair of sweatpants and spaghetti strap, along with a long fluffy cardigan. The cold ceramic floor felt soothing underneath her bare feet as she walked to the dresser. She stopped abruptly as she noticed the box again. She sighed but grabbed a small black scrunchie near it, braiding her hair to the side. She faced the palm of her left hand up towards the ceiling as her right hand moved over it. In a matter of seconds she held a small mug in her hand now. Steam rose from it as she made her way over to the balcony doors.

She used a foot to push the door open at the bottom, having noticed it was already open. She stepped out onto the balcony, cold air hitting her face. She looked out, and what she saw began to make her eyes water. The city. She remembered every building, every neighborhood. It was her playground when she was younger. She took a sip of her tea before she placed it down on a small table nearby. She propped her elbows up on the ledge and spent the next hour or so, staring out over what she'd been missing. 

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