collions, charlie dalton pt2

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The closeness between them made them both want to get out of the booth and run to their houses. Charlie's knee bounced up and down next to their warm thigh, wearing shorts that made itself seem miniature while sitting down. He sighed before stuffing another French fry in his mouth.

Y/n finally uttered. "You're a monster for picking honey mustard over ranch."

He gave a small chuckle, stuffing more fries in his mouth. They stared back in amusement, knowing  he didn't really like fries but it came alone with his burger so he didn't have a choice. They waited for him to finish eating, "Even worse for not giving me any," they playfully nudged his shoulder. He stared down at his empty fry basket and then looked over, eyes still wide.

"Did you want some?" He mumbled before asking someone to come up to the booth. They shook her head, giggling, "No Nu, I was just kidding. No need to call anyone over."

"Oh," he said before shakily adding, "Alright then."

They offered him some of their milkshake, he almost took a sip but then remembered their lips were the straw a few seconds prior. He pushed the cup back gently, "No thanks."

"Oh lord," y/n groaned before cleaning the straw with a napkin, "Stop being such a big  baby, you already apologized for kissing me. And I did for almost gnawing your lip off. Besides, you can't say no to double strawberry with cream. You love it," they waved the glass a little while grinning, "You know you want some. C'mon give it a little try, it can't hurt you."

He took it hesitantly and wrapped his lips around the straw, keeping his eyes glued to theirs. They looked down at his lips, breath hitching slightly before they  laughed.

"It's not that good as I remember," he mumbled before whipping the cream off his top lip, "Should I pay? You paid last time we went out."

"How can I remember? It's been over a year."

"As your best friend it's my duty to remember every single time we've gone out to eat. For the sake of my wallet! And if I remembered correct, you paid so it's my turn. I also happen to remember because, thankfully, last time wasn't so awkward. Thinking about it, we should go back to those times."

"Nu, stop pushing the button to the floor you're never going to get on. I don't know what's freaking you out so bad about this and at this point it's old news. It was a mistake, you said it yourself so don't beat yourself up for it. Last year, I had curtain bangs and you refused to accept that the quiff haircut wasn't a good look on you. You smelled for some reason, I don't know why you'd want to go back."

"Need I repeat myself, y/n? We've kissed before, I know, but it wasn't like this. Nothing like this," he almost hissed the last part.

"Oh yeah. I forgot...sometime after our last hang out I get this bug in my stomach that altered my DNA. Turns out it was ancient and it turned me into a zombie," y/n smirked, earning a small chuckle. He internally knew no one of importance was eavesdropping but he couldn't help but be paranoid. "But maybe if there is another chance, I'm not feeling sudden bloodlust it could actually be enjoyable."

"Would be nice to have something different."

"Good or bad different? Like, good because I didn't have spinach in my teeth or bad because you enjoyed it so much you want to do it again?"


"So 'bad'?" They laughed before sticking their tongue to the side of their cheek. "We could be zombies together. Eye for an eye."

Charlie chuckled, "Lip for a lip."

"Oh no! No more collisions!"

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