what type of pet you own with them

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Neil: Golden retriever
why? : he had one in his childhood which was gifted to him by Mr. Perry before he began being so controlling and manipulative. He considered the puppy to be his first best friend so when he established a home of his own he asked you if he could have a pet. Talking about childhood pets you both decide on the Golden Retriever and named it Whitman.

Todd: Guinea Pig
why? : Hes always wanted a one-of-a-kind pet that wasn't too out there and easy to take care of. Todd originally had this pet by himself when he lived by himself in an apartment to keep him company. The Guinea Pig is more anxious than it's owner, hence being named: Nervy.

Charlie: Salamander
why? : He practically begged for a salamander because he's always wanted one. You tried going the easier route with a turtle or a snail but he just showed up one day with it. The name of the salamander....is so embarrassing you can't even say it out loud without laughing.

Gerard: Chinchilla
why? : honestly, he mistook it for a hamster. He named it Chip and was gifted to you on your birthday. You were in shock at first because you didn't understand how he ever thought it was a hamster but ended up loving it a million times more.

Stephen: Tabby Cat
why? : this is obvious.
The cat is extremely sassy, named Wednesday after Wednesday Addams. She loves to wear hats but always looks angry at everyone except Stephen.

Richard: Turtle
why? : loves turtles. Has like 5. Ty, Nessa, Rocky, Stella, and Spiderman.

Knox: Pomeranian
why? : this dog...bites Knox's fingers every single time he tries to pet it but he swears Pomegranate loves him. It in fact doesn't too much.

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