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"I'd tell you I miss you but I don't know how"The Story of Us - Taylor Swift

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"I'd tell you I miss you but I don't know how"
The Story of Us - Taylor Swift



It's been a few days since filming had started. Karl had seen the media post about her, showing immense support for her role. He had only been sulking and shooting for Mr. Beast videos. He had debated on buying a plane ticket to Switzerland but he knew she didn't want to see him.

He itched to talk to her, his finger merely taps away from the call button.

Karl groans into his pillow, he wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her he loved her.

Messages -

Hey Karl, can you join for a stream?

Sorry man don't think I can
Busy tonight

We both know that's not true
Stop sulking

What do you know

Karl scoffed from the other side of the conversation.

Karl you're being ridiculous
I wasn't suppose to tell you but Q, Tina, Hannah, and Sylvee went to visit her..
I'm guessing you weren't invited

I wasn't but it's not like I care
we were never anything and I fucked it up, okay?
Now stop trying to rub it in my face.


Karl had been left on read by George, the older man had already been sick of his attitude ever since Florida.

As much as he could say he didn't care, a piece of his heart will always belong to her. The news hurt knowing his friends had made decisions to visit her as he nervously paced his room every day.

He wanted to be the one she ran to, not anyone else. It's not like he could do anything about it.

Messages -

N/N ❤️
you have problems, Jacobs

I know. I'm sorry

N/N ❤️
text me when you're stable

I swear I am. please


Karl was left on read again, even she could read through his deceptions of being perfectly fine.

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