Chapter 7

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Starlight appeared in her bedroom in a flash of blue light.

"Until we meet again, Monitor." Said Starlight.

Starlight then realized that the car was still in the Crystal Empire.

"Damn it!" Said Starlight.

She looked out the window and was surprised to see the car reappear in the driveway in a flash of blue light.

"Wow. Thanks, Monitor." Said Starlight.

The morning sun was rising over Canterlot. Starlight walked downstairs and found her father.

"Sugar bear?!" Said Starlight's father.

Starlight's father hugged his daughter.

"I didn't hear you come in last night." Said Starlight's father.

"I didn't come in. I was teleported in." Said Starlight.

"Teleported?!" Asked Starlight's father.

"Yea. I met my client and he explained everything." Said Starlight.

"Who was he?" Asked Starlight's father.

Before Starlight could say anything, Aria came in through the front door.

"We'll talk later." Said Starlight.

They turned to look at Aria.

"Hey, sweetheart. How are you?" Asked Starlight's father.

"I'm great, Dad! Adagio, Sonata, and I are going to be fantastic tonight!" Said Aria.

Starlight rolled her eyes at Aria's delusion. But then Starlight remembered The Monitor's words.

"We'll be there for you, Aria. Right, Starlight?" Said Starlight's father.

"Yea, we'll be there." Said Starlight.

Aria was surprised by Starlight's support.

"Thanks, sis." Said Aria.

Later that day, Starlight was in her bedroom. She had the medallion in her hand and was examining it very closely. The medallion was a silver metal with a purple and white star, and two teal wisps painted on it.

As she looked at the medallion, Starlight heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"One moment." Said Starlight.

Starlight walked over to her door and unlocked it. Starlight opened the door to see Aria.

"Hi, Aria. What's up?" Asked Starlight.

"I just wanted to say thank you for agreeing to come to my show tonight." Said Aria.

"We've been at odds for long enough, Aria. I want to make amends, and I want my sister back." Said Starlight.

"Me too." Said Aria.

Starlight and Aria hugged.

"We both are going to have to be a part of the healing process, but I think this is a good start." Said Starlight.

Starlight then noticed Aria's necklace. It looked like a purple crystal.

"Where did you get that?" Asked Starlight as she pointed at the necklace.

"Oh, this? It's... It's a friendship thing for me and my friends. It symbolizes that we're part of a group. We call ourselves The Dazzlings." Said Aria.

"The Dazzlings. That's a memorable name for a band." Said Starlight.

"Well, that's the point." Said Aria.

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