Chapter 5

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Starlight was driving back into Canterlot and really needed sleep. It was early morning, but she was so tired. As soon as she got back home, she went straight to her room, put the pieces of the medallion on her desk, and crashed into her bed.

After a few hours of sleep, Starlight was awakened by some kind of noise coming from down the hall. As she got up, she tried to pay attention to the sound, which sounded like screeching.

"What the hell?" Said Starlight.

Starlight got up and walked through the hall towards Aria's room. The screeching was definitely coming from Aria's room. Starlight knocked and the noises stopped.

"Aria?" Asked Starlight.

The door opened and Aria stood there.

"What do you want, Starlight?" Asked Aria.

"What was that noise I heard? It sounded like screeching." Said Starlight.

"Screeching?! We were singing!" Said Aria.

"We?" Asked Starlight.

Starlight peered into the room and saw two other girls.

"Starlight, meet Adagio, and Sonata. Girls, this is my annoying little sister, Starlight." Said Aria.

"Hi!" Said Sonata, cheerfully.

Sonata had blue skin and stripy blue hair in a long ponytail.

"Aria, can we get back to practicing?" Asked Adagio.

Adagio had yellow skin and big orange hair.

"You're actually going through with this singing idea?!" Asked Starlight.

"Yea. You got a problem with that, sis?" Asked Aria.

"Aria, what I heard was not singing, it was screeching." Said Starlight.

"It wasn't that bad. Was it? We were going to perform at the library tomorrow night." Said Sonata.

"Don't listen to her, she doesn't know what she's talking about." Said Adagio.

"You three are going to embarrass yourselves." Said Starlight.

"Then don't come to our performance!" Yelled Aria.

Aria slammed the door in Starlight's face.

"I wasn't going to anyway!" Yelled Starlight.

Starlight walked back to her room and closed the door. She sat at her desk and looked at the two pieces of the medallion. Suddenly, a new email popped up on her computer.

"You have got to be kidding me." Said Starlight.

The email was from her mysterious client.

"You have one piece left to go. You must make your way to a frozen north of Equestria, to the remains of the Crystal Empire. You will find the final piece of the artifact there." Read the client's email.

At this point, Starlight was frustrated.

"Who are you? Why do I have to find these pieces for you? Why do I feel compelled to find and complete this medallion?!" Starlight wrote in her reply email.

"All will be revealed when you arrive." Read the client's reply email.

This was promising. The client might actually be waiting at the location of the final piece.

"I'll be on my way tonight." Starlight wrote in her reply email.

Starlight relaxed in her chair and took a deep breath. Suddenly, a message appeared on her phone. The message was from Pinkie Pie.

"Hi Starlight! Just checking in, seeing how you're doing, and how the case is going!" Read Pinkie's text.

"It's getting very strange. I'm going to be headed to the remains of the Crystal Empire tonight." Starlight wrote in her reply text.

"The Crystal Empire?! You need backup?" Read Pinkie's reply text.

"No. I still have a feeling I need to do this alone." Starlight wrote in her reply text.

"Oki Doki! Stay safe, Starlight!" Read Pinkie's reply text.

Starlight barely knew anything about the Crystal Empire. She knew it was ruled over by the mad king Sombra, and was destroyed over a hundred years ago, which was around the same time the princesses Celestia and Luna gained their powers and long life, though those powers didn't save Celestia from Mi Amore Cadenza.

Suddenly, Starlight heard a knock on her door.

"Sugar bear?" Asked Starlight's father.

"Come in, Dad." Said Starlight.

Starlight's father came in.

"Are you alright?" Asked Starlight's father.

"I'm not really sure." Said Starlight.

They both heard the sounds of screech singing from Aria's room. Starlight and her father looked at each other.

"She is going to embarrass herself. You know that right?" Said Starlight.

"She needs to figure that out the hard way. If I tell her, she'll just rebel." Said Starlight's father.

"You're afraid to lose her again." Said Starlight.

"It's... It's nice to have her here." Said Starlight's father.

Starlight sighed.

"I know it must be hard for you to have your sister here. You didn't exactly end things on good terms." Said Starlight's father.

"Mom cheated on you, and Aria sided with her, left with her, and Mom would let Aria be as lazy as she wanted!" Said Starlight.

"Yes, I remember." Said Starlight's father.

They sat quietly for a moment. Starlight's father noticed the two pieces of the medallion.

"Are these the artifacts that you went looking for?" Asked Starlight's father.

"Yea. I have one more to find, it's in the remains of the Crystal Empire." Said Starlight.

Starlight's father looked at her.

"The Crystal Empire?! That place is nothing more than ruins." Said Starlight's father.

"It's where the last piece is. I... I have to find it. I don't know why, but I'm compelled to complete this case, this mission." Said Starlight.

"Starlight, I've been very lenient on your investigations for years, but this is different." Said Starlight's father.

"I still have the gun you gave me, I'll be fine." Said Starlight.

Starlight's father was nervous.

"I'm not a little girl anymore, Dad. There is some purpose out there for me, and I'm going to find it." Said Starlight.

"I know. I can't stop you, but please stay safe and come home." Said Starlight's father.

With that, Starlight's father hugged Starlight tightly.

Later that night, Starlight had gathered gear for her colder expedition. The Crystal Empire stood where the snow never melted. She holstered her gun, grabbed her backpack, and got in the car. Starlight's father walked up.

"Stay safe, sugar bear." Said Starlight's father.

"I will, Dad." Said Starlight.

Starlight started driving off as her father waved goodbye. Starlight drove into the night, toward the Crystal Empire.

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