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Like any other day, I have been at my desk, designing, checking the business, and replying to potential clients.

Few hours later, when I stood up from my chair, a tickling pain ran down my spine. I shouldn't have sat like that for this long. Swinging my head side to side gently, I went to get something to eat. I had the apartment to myself for the day, as Aanchal was at an event, and Rajat would be late from work. He had some paper to submit.

For some reason, I wasn't finding the silence lingering in the apartment very peaceful as I do usually. So, I opened my phone and hit the play button. Soft music filled the kitchen. I wasn't in the mood to cook anything from scratch so I went for toasted bread with mayo.

Might not be a very great combination, but for a few weeks I've been having this whenever I am hungry but don't want to cook.

I was eating peacefully with the music on the back, but then an email beeped in, outcasting the song playing on my phone. I reached for my phone and opened the recent email.

Hi Nitya,

Aasmaan Foundation is organizing an exhibition and is calling out to aspiring creators and designers. We wish to raise funds for our organization through this event, which would help us provide food, education, and clothes for the unprivileged section of our society.

There would be dignitaries from all industries to visit your stalls, free food, and live music. Let us know if you would be interested. We look forward to your response.


Jatin Kukrejha.

(Founder of Aasmaan Foundation)

I shut the phone off and finished eating. I really had a lot to deal with right now. I haven't been feeling the best for a few days now, and I was procrastinating everything. Now that I had people to take care of my business.

But it has been a while since I participated in an exhibition!

But I don't want to do it. Not right now.

It's for a good cause and it would benefit Daffodils too.


I was really finding it hard to decide whether or not to go forward with this. But for some reason, my gut was literally pushing me to take it. With me feeling low, it has been a while for my gut too, to scream at me like that.

So, I took a deep breath and rsvped yes.

I had a few weeks before the exhibition and had enough designs to participate. I would just need to have the designs ready for display.

Working on a steady pace stitching the designs with other tailor kakas, I had them all ready to go. When I reached the venue with all the material, I found my stall almost immediately. Daffodils' logo shone bright, over the stall.

'Dude, can you move any faster? These are some really heavy ass dresses,' Aanchal yelled at a really good-looking man, a little too overdressed for general staff, but casual enough to not regard him as someone of importance. Provided that we didn't know anybody other than Mr. Kukrejha and the manager of his foundation Aashi, I hoped he wasn't one of the dignitaries who had poor fashion choices.

Rajat wanted to come, but he got caught on an impromptu meeting with his students, so he said he would come by later.

Aanchal made it to the stall and kept the boxes she was holding on the counter. Breathing heavily from the walk and yelling. 'What's with the yelling miss?', I asked collecting things from the box I was carrying. 'If people could use their legs I wouldn't need to yell. My hands are breaking,' she whined.

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