But it isn't impossible

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Chuuya curled further into the warmth beside him, he was slowly able to regain consciousness and squinted in discomfort at the bright lights assaulting his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to sink back into his peaceful slumber when he suddenly felt a shift beside him.

He pulled his face from what he thought was a actually the chest of Osamu fucking Dazai.

His immediate reaction was of course to shove the skinny prick off of him and say "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" at the top of his lungs.

The brunette groaned in pain rubbing his arm that he landed on roughly, he looked back up to the bed seeing Chuuya as lively and awake as ever and smiled cheerily and genuinely.

"Aaaawww why is chibi so mean after all I've done for you?" He said with an exaggerated pout on his lips.

The doors to the room suddenly opened up and in came the pro heroes and government officials.

"Young Dazai are you all ri-?"

"The hell!?" Chuuya exploded "what have you rotten us into now you suicidal maniac?!" He pulled Dazai up by the front of his shirt.



Almight stiffened hearing this as did the other adults but he tried to get closer to the to boys wanting ti calm the redhead down. "Please calm down we just want to help!"

The blonde tried to reason with the boy but there was no use, but Dazai was able handle it much better than he did "Calm down gramps, chibi here is just throwing one of his little temper tantrums"

"Tantrum!? And who the fuck are you calling chibi asshole?!"

Dazai smiled at the older boy cheekily while still rubbing his bruising arm.

"Hey kid you'll need some ice for that" midnight came back into the room when she heard the commotion being in a small ice pack with hero

But she was able to get close enough before Chuuya glared daggers at her "Get any closer and I'll kill you" he said murderously

Midnight raisers brow at the declaration and raised her hands in surrender "I'm not going to hurt you but your friend here is gonna need something for that bruise"

Chuuya took his eyes off her turning to look down at Dazai and his bruised arm and back at the ice pack in the woman's hand.

He cautiously reached out to take the ice pack and brought it over to his partner in crime.

From Almights point of view he watched curiously as the redhead slammed the ice pack a little roughly into the brunettes arm but he didn't really looked too bothered by it, he actually seemed rather happy with the situation and leaned in closer into his companion contempt.

He couldn't stop the smile from reaching his lips as he saw once again the softness the two shared. They looked pretty good friends so it'd made sense they'd be close to one another. They both looked like they've gone through hell, but they were both able to face it together.

"Well now chibi's awake let's chat about this shall we?"

The room's temperature immediately dropped and the occupants tensed.

"Chuuya and I will go wherever you want"

Chaos in the room began as the heroes began to protests trying to convince Dazai it was a bad idea. Chuuya did look happy at all after hearing Dazai taking his life into his own hands without permission but he was silenced what the brunette took his hand into his own and gently squeezed it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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