Yeah, I'm Not Good With Introductions....

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Arny's POV

Shit, it's cold. I rubbed my hands as I shivered in the freezing air. I couldn't understand why I had to this mission tonight of all nights. I was gonna play video games until sunrise! I snorted at the mental image of a distorted timetable that's supposed to be my sleep schedule. To be honest, it's not I'll ever get a full night's rest ever since my family sired me as the chief assassin, the second most powerful position under my father.

Most nights were similar to this one: stalking my target for a lengthy period of time, mapping out the safest entrance and exit routes, suitable killing know, the boring stuff. Even though the procedure was the same, something felt off and I didn't know why. My energy pulse has been raising my heart rate and I'm unable to control my powers in that kind of state, so I simply leave the issue alone.

The plan was simple- sneak into some old rich guy's mansion and kill him with your preferred method. This was quick in and out, this had to be one of the easiest missions I've ever done; it'd be much easier once I escape the deathly jaws of soon-coming hypothermia. I crawled out of a thick set of bushes with a knife in hand. The idea was to silt the old guy's throat and get the hell out as fast as I can. My energy pulse has a tendency to blow people's heads off depending on the circumstance, plus, I'll feel bad if that ever happened. 

As I climbed over the large, hilly front yard, my eyes befell on the mansion. From afar, I could tell it was a Victorian-styled mansion. I stared at the building in awe. 

"I wonder if he has family that he'll pass this place to," I muttered, feeling a pang of guilt stab my stomach. "Welp, guess they'll be getting this badass mansion."

According to my mental map, my entrance was through the back door. I hurriedly made my way to the back of the mansion, traversing quietly through the garden. I took my time to lockpick the door, which was less of a struggle when your hairpins were to designed to be lockpicks. With a few twists and turns, I finally unlocked the door. I entered and gently closed the door behind me. I scanned my surroundings. I could make out dark shapes of cupboards, a fridge and a stove. This gave the obvious indicator that I was in the kitchen. The first thing I did was to ransack the cupboards for snacks. To my horror, the evidence of snacks were nonexistent. 

"What kind of sick fuck doesn't have snacks in their kitchen?"

I sighed defeatedly and continued my long awaited journey, I didn't have much time to waste. The old man's master bedroom was on the second floor but I had to make sure that there wasn't any security nuisances on the first floor. Afterwards, I tiptoed up the mahogany staircase. I recalled mahogany being a loud wood once stepped on, but the sturdiness causes the stairs not to creak incessantly. As I made my way up to the final step, there was a shuffling sound. I stopped in my tracks and moved down by a couple steps. I exhaled shakily as I held my knife close to my chest.

"Look at the shithole you've gotten yourself into, Arny!" I chided myself quietly.

There had to be away to get myself out of this situation, but my only idea was to cause more bloodshed. God, I wish I didn't have to-


My eyes shot up to the top of the stairs once I felt my energy pulse weigh down my entire body. These energy signatures were not normal, I realized, they were high in supernatural power. 

One signature filled with the flames, rage and agony of Hell itself.

One signature that tastes of euphoria and the tanginess of sea rocks.

One signature that passes through the arms of Life and Death, falling in love with neither.

 Suddenly, I felt compelled to walk up the stairs again. I wanted to deviate from the mission just to find those three signatures. It was a test of hot and cold water, trying each room to find out where they could all be hiding in. The feeling of these signatures skyrocketed to their maximum once I came across the last door in the eternal hallway. Referring to my mental map, I think this had to be the old man's bedroom. The signatures were people, obviously....maybe body guards? I mean, I completely understand having a supernatural security force instead of a human one, especially when your life has been threatened on multiple occasions. 

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