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She noticed him. He didn't know.

She is a fan. He is the idol.

She tweeted. He noticed her.

She won. He made it happen.

She met him. He met her.

She's Bianca. He's Miguel.

They are only 17 years old and yes they still do not know the real meaning of loving the opposite gender so they decided to wait. But are they really capable of waiting?

Are their feelings worth waiting?

Note: Miguel is 14 years old at the moment and so am I (no hates please I used my name kasi para mas feel ko ang magsulat and it's a figment of my imagination after all. Hihi.) but I turned them into 17 year old teenagers so that mas appropriate sa story because admit it or not.. 14 years of age is very young for love stories. Yun lang, enjoy Migueliatix!

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