Secret of the Tomb, part 8: Malicious Lancelot

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(A/N: Guys I'm I'm sorry I haven't updated in the past month, I got my phone taken away for using my phone in my room, but I'm back now :D also help wtf is that title 😭)

Y/n was about to push Lancelot into the painting, but Larry grabbed their arm, swinging them behind him, and he pushed Lancelot in, himself. Teddy and Y/n looked into the painting. "Y/N, STAY THERE!!" Larry put a hand up toward Y/n, before Teddy jumped into the painting as well. They were all struggling to get the tablet, and Just as Teddy got it, Lancelot pushed him almost off of the bridge they were on, but then Larry grabbed Teddy's hand, Y/n watching in fear. After Lancelot asking for the Tablet, Teddy forced Larry to let go of him, leaving him falling. Then, Y/n ran up to the painting, clinging onto the frame, their head on the painting now. "TEDDY!" Y/n hollered at the same time Larry did. (I wish I had the energy to type everything else out, but nope. yall know what happens anyway)

After everything in the painting, Teddy, Larry and Y/n ran into one of the hallways, where they found Jed, Octavius, and Dexter. "Larry! Y/n!" Octavius swung his hand in greeting.

"Hey, you guys, how you doing?" Larry asked, running up to the two and giving Octavius his cape. Everyone else met up with the six of them just as Larry gave Octavius his cape, and Teddy spoke.

"I don't understand, why is Lancelot staying strong while we get weaker?"

"It's his first night, newborns are stronger, but it matters not, unless we succeed. He, too, will be dead come the dawn." Merenkahre explained.

"We can't let him leave the building." Larry said, before turning to Merenkahre, "Sir, can you go back to Egypt, in case he comes through there?" Merenkahre nodded at his request, "Of course." Larry then turned to Nicky, "Nicky, take Atilla and Y/n, check the loading dock." "Got it." Nicky said. "Teddy, check the South Wing, cover the side doors. I got the main entrance." Larry then ran off to the main entrance, and everyone ran off to their duties. But Nicky, Y/n, and Atilla stayed behind for a second so that Atilla could grab Dexter and so that he could put Jed and Octavius on his hat.

Minutes later, the three saw Tilly go into her shack, and try to pick up the phone. That's when Atilla walked in and screamed a bit, getting the phone and destroying it. Then, Nicky Dexter and Y/n walked in. "WHAT? 'SCUSE ME! HEY!" Tilly yelled at Atilla.

"Hi. Hey. Sorry." Nicky started, "I'm Nick, this is Dexter, Y/n, Atilla the Hun."

"Oh, yes. Lovely to meet you." Tilly smiled sarcastically, "NOW MEET THUS HAMMER!!" She then wacked the hammer at Atilla's hat, and Jed and Octavius (not visible to Tilly,) ducked down so they wouldn't get hit.

"Don't do that." Nicky said. Atilla took the hammer from Tilly and gave it to Nicky, "I'm super sorry. I know it's a lot going on." The three walked out and closed the shack door, Atilla getting a broom to stick in the handle, "Hun, monkey, wow, what? So much weird, huge amount to process, right? Okay, sorry. Thank you." Then, the three ran off.

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS! I'M MAKING SKETCHES OF YOU IN MY MIND RIGHT NOW!" Tilly yelled, before turning around and panting, thinking to herself, "Boy with freckles, Daley Devices CEO, fat Asian with hair extensions... Evil monkey."

Everyone met up at the front entrance. "Everybody okay?" Larry asked, running with Laaa. "Yes, Lawrence," Teddy answered, "Atilla and your offspring secured the lady guard in her booth, I don't know how long it'll hold her, though."

"All right, we gotta find Lancelot, but somebody has to make sure she doesn't get out." Larry said. Laaa then raised his hand and grunted. Larry then walked up to Laaa. "Yeah. Laaa. Okay. All right, you know what to do?" Larry asked.


"That's right, just make sure she stays in there."


"GOOD! Go!"

Laaa ran off with his hands up, saying "Dada say stay!"

"Lawrence. I can't move my arms..." Teddy uttered, "We're becoming less useful by the minute." Just then, Atilla hollered and started falling to the ground. Y/n tried to keep him up, and Larry ran over to help, "C'mon, big guy! You okay there?" he asked Atilla. He opened his eyes to show that one of them has turned into wax, but stuck cross-eyed.

"...Okay, something's up with your eye, but-"

"Is it okay?" Atilla asked in Hunnic.

"I dunno, it's just kind of going..." Larry pointed.

"AAAANGNAA" Atilla blinked his eyes.

"You gotta relax, okay??"

Atilla started to scream more. "Calm down!" Larry yelled, "ATILLA!" Larry slapped him, and Atilla seemed to calm down.


Atilla repeated in Hunnic.




"DAAaa, pwuder."

"You don't freak out. Okay?" Atilla finally calmed down, taking a few deep breaths. Then Nicky got everyone back on track. "Dad, there's like 8 million people in this city. ...He could be literally anywhere by now." Larry paused, "We'll find him." he nodded.

~time skip~

"He came this way... traveling four leagues per hour..." Sacagawea muttered, looking at a horseshoe track on a newspaper. Just before Y/n could get their phone out to look up leagues to miles, everyone heard the sound of people shrieking in fear and lion roars. They started running to where the sound was. Once they all got there, they saw statues of lions growling in their direction.

"Never run from a big cat, Lawrence." Teddy whispered to Larry.

"GIGANTOR! Get yer' flashlight out! These cats wanna play!" Jed hollered from Atilla's hat. Larry looked over to Atilla before getting his flashlight out and twirling the flashlight's light like a laser, which distracted the lions pretty well. Jed was laughing at them and Y/n chuckled a little themself.

"Now where the devil could Lancelot be?" Teddy uttered. Larry and Y/n looked around, and something caught Y/n's eye. An advertisement for a musical about Camelot. Y/n patted Larry's shoulder and pointed at it. "Good catch!" Larry looked at Y/n, before starting to run, "Come on!"

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