Battle of the Smithsonian, Part 5: We're In It Now

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Larry and Y/n were being escorted to the Cube.

"Here it is..." Larry said. He gave Y/n a look that told them to back up a bit. Y/n nodded and did so, and the Egyptians put their spears out as Larry walked up to the Cube. He aggressively open the first lock. Y/n got shivers down their spine. Larry slowly walked to the other side of the Cube, and unlocked it fully. A giant octopus flung out of the Cube, breaking it. It roared and growled, attempting to take anything in its path. It flung one of the Egyptians into a big crate, breaking it. An animal skeleton jumped out. It broke another crate and a  pterodactyl flew out. Then, it pinned Kahmunrah down to the ground, and the tablet flew up. Larry got it just in time. "Y/n, run!!" Larry exclaimed.

Y/n and Larry started running. "Come back here! Come back here with my tablet!" Kahmunrah yelled, "I still have your friends!" he then shouted commands in Egytian. Larry and Y/n kept running. "This place is a maze!" Y/n yelled. The two kept running, but quickly stopped themselves. "Whoa!" Larry said. It was the octopus. He pushed Larry into a crate. "Dad!" Y/n ran up to Larry. "Are you okay?" they asked. "I'm good." Larry said panicked. the two were cornered. When it seemed like it was the end, the two heard a "Yee-haw!". The two turned around and up to see a man dressed in 1800s style clothing in a moped-like machine with a flag. He flew up and over Larry and Y/n.

"Take the wheel!" The man said. "What?!" Larry asked. "I said take the wheel! Oh, we're in it now! I love it, I love it!" the man repeated. Larry and Y/n ran up to the machine. Y/n grabbed onto Larry so they wouldn't fall off while Larry was driving. "Now, charge!" The man exclaimed. Larry revved up the machine and it started moving. "So, what's the plan?!" Y/n asked. "We're American, we don't plan, we do!" the man answered, "Works every time!" they ran into a crate and somehow kept going. "Wait a minute, you're-" Y/n said. "Yup! General George A. Custer of the Fighting U.S. 7th cavalry, At your service." The man 'Custer' cut Y/n off. Just as he said that, he got knocked off the machine. "I'm good, I'm good! Fly you fools!" Custer said. Y/n pet go of Larry and jumped into Custer's old seat. The two kept driving until a lady stood in their way.

"What's the rumpace, ace?" The lady said. "Look, lady, could you get out of the way?" Larry asked. "'Lady'? Who you callin' 'Lady'? The name is Amelia." The lady 'Amelia' said. A spear then hit the wheel of the machine. "That's not good." Y/n muttered, grabbing the tablet. They gave it to Larry, and the two started jogging away.

"Amelia Earhart. Perhaps you've heard of me?" Amelia asked. "Oh, right. You're a famous pilot or whatever." Larry said. "Pilot?! I was the first to fly the Atlantic!" Amelia exclaimed, "First woman to receive the flying Cross, first woman to fly across the 48 states in gyroprop. Now, if you two'd wipe those perhaps-permanent look of alarm off your kissers,  I was wondering if you'd be so kind as to tell me exactly where I am?" Amelia asked. "You're in a museum." Larry said, walking away. "Well, more like under it." Y/n added, "We're in kind of a dangerous situation right now." Amelia scooted up to Larry. "Wow you're fast."

"What are your names, flyboys?" Amelia asked. "Uh, Larry and Y/n. Daley." Larry answered. "Well, Larry and Y/n Daley, if you weren't listening, I'm not one to shy away from danger." Amelia said, walking away, and into a proud pose. Spears then hit everywhere but her. "How about giant spears, you shy away from those?" Y/n asked sarcastically. Larry and Y/n ran to the exit. "Let's ankle, skipper! Now we're gonna have some fun." Amelia said, removing her hat and following the two intot the exit.

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