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Kenzie pov

All on the walls all I see ' Dustin loves Maya'
'Brandt loves Maya' my heart kinda hurt when I see Dustin loves Maya' but I ignore it and walk to my locker witch is right next to mayas and Anna's but oh of course to my luck I have a lower locker great so much fun this day can't get any worse.
                                *TiMe SkIp To P.E*
I was in the locker room waiting for coach to hand me my gym clothes but of course she has to give my sister hers first shocker there after she gives them there clothes she gives me my clothes I get dressed and walk to the bench, 'oh great kickball' Maya and Anna sit right next to me "Dustins fly"
"His earring is soooo hot" I giggle at Maya and Anna talking about Dustin cus I think he can hear them and by giggle I mean I curled in a ball laughing so hard, "BLONDE GIRL GET ON THE FIELD" oop that was Anna she gets up kicks it into Alex's face I'm again crying that's to funny. " You sense you think it's so funny you can roll the ball now what's your name" "Bartholomew" " there's no Bartholomew in this class" " oh then Kenzie" I get up and walk to roll the ball  yada yada

Skip to after the next class

I was walking in the hall and I just sit on the ground sense I can play it off as I'm just going in my locker but In class goofy Maya and goofy Anna wrote a note to Brandt asking him out and I was laughing at it cus even I knew it was a joke that they liked Maya I kinda feel bad but then again I don't is that bad I was middle of my thoughts when all I hear is " Dustin says yes Dustin says yes" " I do not say yes Brandt says yes" " I do not say yes " " yes he doe-" he was cut off by Anna
"OH MY GOD Dustin that is so presumptuous of you to think that she was asking you she was obviously asking Brandt" I am full on cackling
It was to silly I look up to see Dustin looking at me I wonder why but anyway that was all in a second by the way not the cackling I'm still dieing then a girl I hate walks up BecCa ew "oH mY gOd guys this is sO not funny you should just tell her" I stop laughing and look at Dustin confuzzled " UGIS" "UGIS BIATCH" I still look confused but before I can ask Maya says "what what's ujis" "oH you don't know it means ugliest girl in school and Anna they say they don't know why your wearing a bra Sense there's nothing to go in it " I look at her and it's pretty obvious I'm waiting to hear what they say about me " oh kenzie they actually like you" I know it's bad I'm kinda glad they like me

                    *sKiP tO tHe bItCh oUt*


The next chapter is gonna be the fight

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