Chapter 1

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I was woken up by the bright sun hitting my eyes as if it was trying to wake me up early on purpose. I took my phone out to check the time. [8:30 AM] as I look at it, something bothered me, but I couldn't remember what exactly... then as if Thunderstruck, I remembered. "Shit, it's today".

As swift as I could, I readied whatever formal clothing I still had, ate cereal, washed up, and got ready. I hurriedly rushed out of my apartment and went down the stairs, even hitting someone on the way down. I'm sure I heard shouting afterward but I'm too distracted to actually spare them even a glance.

I finally reached outside my apartment complex and just reached the bus by a hair's breadth. Trying to catch my breath I slowly reached for the chair at the very back before it was taken by a tall man wearing a trench coat. It seems he noticed that I just got here after running until I couldn't breathe so he offered me his seat.

But I declined out of consideration since he sat first anyway. Ignoring his offer, He insisted further and grabbed me by my shoulders, and practically threw me to the seat. "Ow!" I exclaimed, as he raised his hands up and started apologizing. "Oh- Sorry! I can't control my strength sometimes... are you... ok?" he tilts his head after waiting for my response.

"...." I was about to get mad at him but after looking at his figure properly it's rather huge and I'd rather not deal with a psychopath who would probably just need less than a flick to knock me out. "Yes, yes I'm fine, you didn't have to give me a seat though".

"Hehe- I did insist since you looked tired and all".

I finally got there and looked up at the building to really get a feel that this is real. That I'm just a few steps away from finally getting my dream job of being a manager.

"I can't believe this is actually happening. Years of that painful life of mine and finally I'm here..." I really took the moment to take in that feeling of relief, before finally entering the building and looking inside.

The building itself looked pretty normal for a prestigious company that owns multiple branches in different districts. I went to talk to the receptionist who was tapping away at her keyboard, "I'm here for the interview" I excitedly told her.

"Take the elevator on my right all the way to the 25th floor and go to room 05 for your interview". "ALRIGHT THANKS!" I swiftly walked to the elevator the receptionist mentioned for me to use, and as if it was waiting for me, it coincidentally arrived on the floor I was in just in time with a Pinging sound just when I was about to press the button to call it down. "Huh guess I'm getting pretty lucky today".

I went inside the elevator pressing the button to the 25th floor, lighting up after pressing the button. Relaxing music started playing, I felt vertigo but quickly recovered shortly after once I got accustomed to the elevator's ascension speed.

I finally reached the 25th floor, which was faster than I thought it would. I went outside and the elevator shut immediately and caused a loud bang that echoed across the hallway, I looked at the end and squinted my eyes, and saw the number 05 which caused me to take action and slowly walked there.

On the way I observed my surroundings the hallways were lit relatively well, the walls are covered with black diamond-patterned wallpaper, and the floors were covered in fuzzy carpets. "Whoever planned this floor did a really terrible job of it". I said sarcastically.

Finally reaching the end of the hallway I opened the door and saw a single chair with a projector screen in front where it is facing. "Projector screens? Who still uses these old things?" I examined the laptop beside the machinery and turned it on.

I looked around inside the laptop and it had one singular file saying [Interview.mp4] I rolled my eyes at the primitive formats and technology used for such a prestigious company and started regretting my decision or thinking I went to the wrong place. Nevertheless, I played the file either way and sat on the chair, and got comfortable.

The screen flashed with a bright white screen, I heard rumbling and clanking inside the walls like large cogs turning and creaking. it was then the screen flashed an image of the company Logo in Bold letters [SRO (Special Resources Organization]. And without as much as a warning, I felt a sharp pain on the side of my neck and I blacked out.

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