06. we execute him

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chapter six,
we execute him

        CARLYN SAT IN between Chad and Ethan, snacking on her Doritos

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        CARLYN SAT IN between Chad and Ethan, snacking on her Doritos. The three of them, Mindy, and Kirby all sat in the back of a van. Detective Bailey had come up with a plan to use Sam (and Tara, who insisted she go with her sister) as bait for Ghostface. Kirby was going to track the call.

        "So we're really doing the phone tracing thing that never works in the movies?" Mindy, being Mindy, voiced her doubts. "It'll be all keep him talking, Sam, two more minutes, I've almost got him. And then he hangs up just before we can get a lock."

        "I can trace a call in under 15 seconds," Kirby countered, looking over at the girl.

        Mindy leaned closer to her. "Well, you've got them out there as bait."

"Because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby," Kirby explained, like it was obvious.

Mindy tilted her head. "And you think they're safe because it's broad daylight in a public place?"

"Look, I am here, okay?" Kirby sighed. "And so is Bailey."

        "This is exactly how our Uncle Randy died!" Mindy exclaimed. "Broad daylight. Public place. Yanked into a van. Stab, stab, stab. No more Randy!"

        "Yeah, daylight doesn't exactly change anything for these fuckers," Carlyn recalled that day over a year ago. It had been broad daylight when Wes and Judy had been killed. Judy had been killed on their front lawn and no one had seen a thing.

        Kirby frowned, leaning closer to the young adults. "I promise you guys we will keep Tara and Sam safe."

        Ethan watched the interaction, absentmindedly offering Chad to take from his bag of Cheetos. Chad blankly stared at him before he shrugged and took some.

Carlyn wrinkled her nose as she watched them. In her opinion, one of Ethan's major flaws was that he preferred the normal Cheetos. "Gross."

        "You like Cool Ranch Doritos," Chad shot back, throwing a Cheeto into his mouth while keeping his eyes on his best friend. Carlyn flipped him off and rolled her eyes.

"Hey, Sam?" Kirby spoke to the girl as Carlyn narrowed her eyes at the boy. "Stay frosty out there, okay?"

"We're good," Sam muttered back, voice coming through into the van. After a few seconds, Ghostface finally called. "You're gonna die, you know."

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