Chapter 14 Hush

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Had just gotten out of the Knight and was walking towards the group of criminals talking, he then silently took 5 of them out at once which related the rest of them. They all got in a ready stance while the others aimed guns at him, Batman stared at them making no sound of movement.

Batman: Trust me you don't wanna do this, so you either tell me where I can find The Joker or we can fight the his out. Your choice

Criminal 3: Screw that we ain't scared of you!

They then ran at Batman while the others shot at him, Batman took out the gun men first then took out the others. He then saw the last guy crawling away scared, Batman then walked over and slammed the criminal on his back super hard and put his foot on his chest.

Batman: Where is The Joker

Criminal 10: I'm not telling you anything!

Batman: Tell me!

Criminal 10: Never!

Batman: Have it your way then

Batman then tapped on his right gauntlet using the Remote for the Knight, he then moved the Knight towards him using the Remote on his gauntlet and made the Knight put a little pressure on the criminals head with it's left front tire. The criminal screamed and begged him to stop, Batman eventually stopped but kept his finger hovering over to button ready to do it again.

Batman: Where is he!?

Criminal 10: He's still out of town and won't be back till 4 more days!

Batman: Where are the other villains hiding!?

Criminal 10: Screw you Bats!

Batman then repeated the same action as bwfoew with the Knight, the criminal screamed and begged and eventually gave in and told Batman he would tell him.

Criminal: T-They are all in different places! Scarecrow's location is unknown but I know where you can find someone who knows where he is! Croc is somewhere hiding in the Iceberg lounge with Penguin! Two-Face is running around most likely trying to rob every bank and Clayface is disguised as someone! Ivy is somewhere near plants because she's getting weak and Freeze is on a ship near the ocean, he's causing Alot of havoc and damage because someone took his wife from him! I swear that's all I know just please don't hurt me!

Batman: Is that all you know!?

Criminal 10: There is one more thing! There's some kind of Bat creature flying around and it looks disgusting! People are calling it Man-Bat! Dr. Kirk Langstrom has been missing all night, a few of Penguins guys said his lab was a complete mess and his wife dead!

Batman: What about Riddler

Criminal 10: H-He's hiding in the abandoned Orphanage up in Hosu or near downtown Japan! He has multiple guys out placing trophies and stuff for you because he told them that he won't fight you till every trophy and Riddle is solved!

Batman: Thank you

Batman then walked over to a street pole and tied the person up, he then contacted Melissa and told her to send an anonymous tip to the police saying there's a few guys tied up waiting to be picked up.

Criminal 10: Wait why didn't you knock me out?!

Batman: You willingly told me everything I needed to know, plus I know you have a family so you'll be doing time for it. But if I catch you doing any sort of crime I will not hesitate to put you in a coma

Criminal 10: H-Hey Batman isn't that your jet?

Batman then looked up to see a Jet flying towards them but straighten it out, Batman watched as the Jet fired missles. Batman saw one going towards The Knight which still had Batgirl in it, he immediately started running towards it but the missle hit the Knight causing it to be badly damaged. He pulled out his Grapple Gun and grappled onto the Jet while it was at full speed, he then pulled himself up and immediately broke the glass pulling the person out of it and punched him.

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