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When I was talking to Regie at school, I signaled him for help. I knew I was being watched. Ty's henchmen were always watching us to make sure we didn't do anything we shouldn't. They have eyes on us all the time.


The cops came storming in we were finally free. Regie was behind a couple of the cops. I ran up to Regie and hugged him, I hugged him tightly. I wasn't planning to let go but I had to. I thanked him and thanked him. I started to cry and then I went to Seb and gave him a hug. Seb, we're saved from that horrible man. He started crying. We walked through the house and I said something to the cops that made them check the whole house. I heard Ty talking to his henchmen about other kids in the house. More kids were here and we wanted them to be safe as well, I told them if they were younger than 10 I would take responsibility for them because I don't want them to feel alone. There were 4 kids younger than 15 and 2 kids about our age. Kane and Justin. Ty kidnaped Kane from THEIR mom, they are brothers. Justin was taken off the streets by Ty's Henchmen and they raped and assaulted him. We took care of one of the 4 kids he was 10, his name is Mateo his parents died in a fire at their house and Ty kidnapped him as he was reported missing after a couple hours by his newborn and school. Ty tried to do what he did to us to Mateo.

4 months later
My birthday is next week and Regie said he had a surprise for me. We have known each other for 6 months and I really like him. I have a fat crush on him but he probably doesn't like me back. I bought myself, Seb, and Mateo phone from the money I've saved up from Ty's wallet. He was rich and he carried 'bout 400 dollars in cash with him so whenever I could I stole about 200 from his wallet. Anyways I bought phones so we can be safe, we have life 360 which has helped us so much.

It's my birthday and I'm finally 18,  the first thing I did was go to the county because we had a hearing to legally adopt Mateo as our kid and Seb will legally be aloud to be under my care, we are staying in Ty's old house, I hate it here but it's our only hope to live. I have a card, a phone, a house, and now all I need is a car and a job. But first Regie...
I wanna know what he wanted to tell me or show me. I'm also planning to confess my feeling for him but I'm scared he won't like me back. It's OK if he doesn't ill try to be friends still. He came over and I hugged him as he told me happy birthday and gave me a gift. It was a bunch of clothes in 4 different sizes, my size, Sebs size, and Mateo's but I was confused who had the biggest set, I asked him and he said "they're mine, they are for you" I was still confused but he then came up and hugged me as he whispered, "Oli I like you, I like you alot. Whenever I'm not with you I feel like I'm gonna die but when I am I get so happy that when you leave it makes me sad, it's ok if you don't like me back, but I would still love to be your friend."
I lost it, I kissed him, "Regie I like you too, i was so scared you wouldnt like me back, i was going to tell you today but you beat me to it. I like you Regie Macalino" He hugged me then ran, I was confused I saw him about an hour later and asked what happened he said he didn't want to do anything to me so he ran, I was confused as always. Later that night I understood why he ran and why he gave me his hoodies. I got up and put them on they smelled like him, I felt weird down ... there. I took a photo to send to him and kept smelling it. I heard the front door open and he was there. He ran to me and hugged me. "Please stop doing this to me, your driving me insane" I laughed cause it was cute but he didn't seem to find it funny, he stayed the night and... we cuddled he left the next morning and I woke up Seb and Mateo to go to school and I was happy to be 18, I graduate in 2 months and I can live a normal life again.

There's more chapters don't worry

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