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The maze was a terrible place, full of terrible, horrifying Grievers, yet you still went out there everyday. The maze actually protected you from a lot of things. But one of those things isn't sicknesses.

And you have unfortunately fallen victim.

It started with aches all over your body, but you thought that was from running. You are a runner after all. And then came the dizziness, but you thought that was from the heat. Then came the fevers and chills. That told you something was up.

You paid a visit to the med-jacks and told them your symptoms. They came to the conclusion you had the flu, and Alby put you on bed rest in a secluded room for the week.

And it absolutely sucked.

There was nothing to do, and you felt awful. Just as you would about fall asleep, you would sneeze, so you looked and felt like a zombie. Your hair was all over the place and tissues were scattered all over the floor, hot and cold sweat leaving you feeling even worse on top of feeling the weight of every ounce in your body. The med-jacks came and brought you some medicine and some soup, Frypan's secret recipe, every day a couple times a day, but they continued to drag on in a haze.

Newt would also come in every day to check up on you, and update you on the happenings in the Glade. You always liked him, more than you knew how to cope with at times, and you felt embarrassed that he had to see you like this every day. Today, you managed to get a few hours of sleep before Newt arrived.

"Hey, Y/N, how are you feeling?" He asked, opening the door. He always asked you that, and the answer was always the same. But not today. You groaned and sat up.

"A little better, but still feel like a pile of klunk," you replied. He chuckled.

"Thought you'd be hungry. And you have to take your medicine," he said. He held out the pills, and set the bowl of soup on the dresser. You took the pills and wrapped yourself in the blanket he brought.

"Thanks," you said. He nodded.

"We all miss you. Minho misses his running partner, Chuck misses his audience, and Gally misses his sparring partner. I miss you when I'm in those stupid bloody meetings. Thomas also misses his distraction from Chuck. Now he has to listen to him." He stated. You wanted more than anything to go back outside, but your sick, and stuck in bed.

"Oh yeah? How do you think I feel? I miss everyone too," you replied.

"Alright, I see your point. I hate seeing you sick. You're not your bubbly, energetic self anymore." He complained. You gave him an apologetic smile. He sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped his arms around you and you relaxed. You laid your head down on his chest and closed your eyes. They shot open when you realized something.

"Newt, you can't be so close to me. As much as I like it, I can't get you sick." You stated.

"No, I'm not leaving. Not until you feel better. I don't care if I bloody get it, I want to stay here with you. I love you," he said hesitantly.

Your eyes widened. "You do?"

He looked directly at you, those brown eyes melting into yours. "Yes." He leaned in to kiss you, but you turned your head at last second, planting one on your cheek instead. His confused expression was heartbreaking, but you were determined to keep him healthy.

"No, Newt, I can't get you sick too. As much as I'd like to, I can't." You said. He frowned.

"Please?" He asked, putting on his puppy dog face and batting his eyelashes, giving me a look that just tugged at my heart.

Damn that look.

I sighed. "No." I said firmly. I had to stay composed. I needed to keep it together.

"Come on, just one kiss." He whined. I rolled my eyes.

"I said no, and that is it or no kisses for another week. I'm only in here for another day or two, you can wait till then." I explained. He sighed, proof that I won.

"Fine. But I'm still coming," he stated.

"Alright." I sneezed for probably the millionth time and groaned, putting my head in my hands. He looked at me with sympathy.

"Go to sleep, you need some rest. It's going to be a long couple of days. I'll come back later, and give you the annual update." He said.

"Thanks." He kissed your burning forehead, sending warmth all the way down your freezing self. You lied back down and pulled the blankets over you. The blanket he gave you still smelled like him: pine and honey, and sweat. You quickly fell asleep a few sneezes later and dreamt about him and your life ahead of you in the Glade.

The Maze Runner: Newt One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now