A Drink And A Conversation

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Elena let out a sigh as she watched Bonnie leave, feeling her shoulders slump forward, wanting to dive head first onto the table. Only the fact that the Grille was a public place stopped her from doing so. It had been a long day, Bonnie had confided in her about the recurring dreams she was having, where she'd end up waking up in the forest clearing, whereas Caroline was heartbroken. Not only had Tyler bitten her, on her birthday, but now he had left with her dad to try and break the sire bond.

She knew who was responsible for all of this happening, but there was nothing anyone could really do about it. She felt the hair on the nape of her neck rise, giving her the district feeling that she was being watched, along with the thrumming in her blood. She knew that it wouldn't be long until she was alone, and had a good idea about who would interrupt her alone time. She quickly downed the glass of coke, the soda burning the back of her throat, desperate for an escape, but realised it was too late when she heard footsteps and felt a presence in the seat across from her.

His presence.

Speak of the devil.

"What do you want?" She spoke with a hostile tongue, the reason for her earlier exhaustion now sitting across from her. He answered her scathing look with a wide grin, one that showed off his dimples, one that she knew was meant to be charming.

"Not much love, just wanted to check in on my precious doppelgänger," his voice was tinged by a hint of carefreeness that only he could manage in this town, even if it was just a front, "I had to make sure you're still alive, it is Mystic Falls after all." He looked amused as he traced his finger down the condensation on the glass she had just put down, an unexpected intensity shining in his eyes.

"I'm fine, you make sure of that, don't you? While going around looking for new ways to hurt my friends and attempt to manipulate me." Her tone was as scathing and accusatory as her eyes were, and despite all that he had ever since he had come back to town, he still had the audacity to look offended at her words.

"Come now love, don't be like that, I helped you heal your friend didn't I? I thought bygones would be bygones." He leaned back into his seat, looking comfortable, and she barely suppressed a groan.

"You made Tyler bite her on her birthday, she almost died." She knew the seriousness of the situation was either lost on him, or that he was deliberately ignoring it, because he stayed silent for a few moments at her words. She wasn't sure which was worse.

"Does that really mean anything love? I healed her, didn't I?" She could see the confusion in his eyes, like he didn't understand why it angered her if ultimately, according to him, no harm was done. She wondered if telling her about her friends' trauma would make any difference, ultimately disregarding the idea, for no other reason than to preserve her friends' privacy.

"I guess it doesn't," there really was no point arguing with him, "what are you doing here?" He always had something or the other up his sleep, and as far as she knew, everything he did had an ulterior motive. She wanted to know what it was before he did something else that was reckless.

"Well, your small, boring town only has one place for socialising, if it can be called that, and so here I am." He said, looking around the place as if it was beneath him.

"So socialise. With other people." She said softly, feeling a little defeated. As much as she wanted to be angry, to put up a wall around herself, she was also too exhausted for it at the moment. "As for the town, you can leave if you like." She tried not to sound too hopeful.

"You know I can't do that. Not without my doppelgänger." His voice held an edge of possessiveness to it, one that it always did, and it sent tingles down her spine. The way he always referred to her as his, like she was some object, offended her, but there was some undertone to it, one that she couldn't really recognise now. So she let it go, reluctantly.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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