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She had left his house almost immediately, rushing to Caroline's.

"Sheriff Forbes." She said as the woman opened the door.

"Elena, Caroline is upstairs. What-"

"I got the cure for her." She said holding up the vial as the sheriff ushered her upstairs, looking relieved.

When she reached her room, she saw her friend looked pale and clammy, not unlike Damon had, with Matt next to her.

"Here," She passed the vial of blood to Caroline who downed it in a go.

The effect was almost instantaneous, her colour improving, her stance relaxing, as she settled into the pillows.

"How did you get it?"

"I made a deal, he gave you a little blood, I'll give him some for his hybrids." It had struck her as odd, the deal, he had taken her blood before without even telling her, so she had been shocked when he had agreed.


"It's nothing Care," she sat down on the bed next to her friend, in the space Matt made for her, throwing an arm around the blonde. "I would've had to give it to him anyway. I was actually surprised he agreed." She said frowning.

"He's the reason this happened at all."

"I know. But it's over now. Some birthday huh?"

"Yeah," she said with a weak smile, all four of them relieved.


She sighed as she knocked on the ornate door for the second time in two days. She didn't want to be there exactly, but a deal was a deal, and he'd sent one of his hybrids to her school in the morning, wanting her to make good on it as soon as possible.

She didn't have to wait too long before the door was opened and she was led inside. In the light of the day, she looked around the giant house, she was almost awed at how quickly he had renovated the house, which was giant. She wondered briefly what he had thought about their conversation the previous night - they were enemies after all, so it wasn't really a surprise that they had both hit each other where it hurt, but that didn't change the fact that she was alone in a house surrounded by hybrids, and that she would prefer that he wasn't angry.

When they reached the room, it was different than the one from last night, this one had rich carpeting and leather couches in front of a fireplace, with a bar tucked off at one end.

"Good, you're here. Let's get on with this shall we?" She heard his voice before she saw him, her head snapping to where he was standing by the bar. She expected the familiar feeling of fear to fill her, but it wasn't what she felt at all when she saw him. Her mind was protesting, telling her that this was dangerous, that he was dangerous, but there was a small part of her, one that was treacherous, that didn't believe her to be in any danger at all.

Maybe, she thought bracingly as she walked towards the couch, it was because he had already done the worst. He had already drained her of life once, he had already killed her, already caused Isobel's death, and John's indirectly, had already taken Stefan, and put Caroline in danger. Maybe it was because she didn't know how much worse it could get. Maybe that was why, despite mountains of evidence, she wasn't afraid of him.

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