Chapter-24 {Edited}

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|He often wondered desperately if she didn't find his love worthy enough to fight for?|

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|He often wondered desperately if she didn't find his love worthy enough to fight for?|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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"Never be the reason for the tears in her eyes, Aryan. Treat her the way a woman deserves to be treated by her man."

The two sentences imparted by Mom gave me the final push of the courage and determination that I needed to meet Ruchi's accusatory gaze for once and all. I had to look into her broken self to condemn and curse myself for the blunder I created.

I can't breathe freely with the guilt knowing that I had failed her this time. It was all my fault.

Her eyes beseeched me to forget our togetherness along with that rainy night but I ignorantly looped my head around her dreams. She asked me to not come behind her but I obviously crashed into her.

I saw when she begged her father to hear her for once and pleaded to her loved ones to trust her but her ardent voice was mercilessly crushed down by this cruel world.

Her soul was forcefully being tainted by them and I couldn't move a limb to save her like some fuckin' coward. I stood and became the one among those sadists who wordlessly watched her getting shattered. My silence had allegedly murdered her soul.

I was the reason behind her shedding those innocent tears. I was the cause of that lump in her voice. I was the man who spoiled and disregarded her brave decisions. I was someone who exposed her dignity for the hungry vultures. I was the doom responsible for her present emotionless state.

I was her culprit.

I was my beloved's wrongdoer.

I am Aryan Mallik, who claimed to be loving his Ruchi, for all these years.

Yet the irony of the situation is that now I had become her sole betrayer.

What the hell did I even do by acting like some heartless jerk who couldn't see her tribulations beyond his selfishness?

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