Enjoy :3

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Your POV

Rain poured and tapped my red umbrella. I dug out the wet dirt with the front of my boots, trying not to cry. I rocked the sleeping baby in my right arm. His soft snoring was so freaking adorable it made the day bearable. Someone touched my shoulder and I turned around. That someone was my boyfriend, Dirk Strider. He had his monotone face today. I gave him a small smile since I won't ask 'are you okay?' because it is the most stupidest question at funerals. "Hey." He greeted in a calm voice. "Hi." I gave him a kiss. "How's Dave?" he asked, looking at his little brother.

"He's sleeping. Look how cute he is." I showed him the cute angelic face to Dirk. The corner of his lips twitched into a smirk. "Do you want to hold him now?" I asked. He asked. He shook his head. "It's fine." He gave me a long hard kiss to cease the pain in his heart. I don't know how it would work though. "Let's go inside. Lil' man will get a fever." I followed him back in the church. There were many family members talking in the hall where the food is.

I struggled with the strap of baby stuff when Dirk took it off my shoulder and slung it across his chest. "Don't worry. Just call me if you need anything." He patted my head and Dave's then went away to the guests. Roxy Lalonde, Dirk's cousin, approached me with little Rose in her arms. She had a sad smile and her pink-violet ((I don't know colors dammit)) scarf around her neck. "Hey, (Y/N)." She waved slightly. "Hi, Roxy." "How's Dirk doing?" she asked. I shrugged. "He's a Strider. I can't get much from him." Roxy nodded then went away to change Rose's diapers while I walked towards the food table to grab a cookie. I haven't ate since yesterday morning. I munch the cookie and washed it down with lemonade. Dave started to squirm, a sign that he was waking up. I finished my drink in one gulp, threw the cup in a black garbage bag then looked around for Dirk. I was about to call him when popped out of nowhere. I stifled a scream. "Fucking--never mind." He gave new a bottle of warm milk. I took it then put it in Dave's mouth. He accepted it and started drinking. I held the bottle, smiling at him which cause him yo giggle and spurt milk all over his face. "Tissue." I demanded. Dirk gave me a sheet and I wiped the milk + saliva on Dave's chin. "Aren't you a cute baby Strider? Yes you are." I cooed. Dirk suddenly back hug me and kissed the top of my head. I looked at him.

"Thank you for being in our life." He said sincerely. "And thank you for being in mine." I kissed his cheek.

Dave finished the milk halfway before he slept again. I gave the bottle to Dirk and he tucked it laws in the baby bag. I threw the tissue in the garbage bag. Around 3.30, the caskets of Dirk's parents and his older brother were lowered to earth. I watched them as I choked down a cry, hugging Dave tightly. I don't want to trouble Dirk with the job of calming me down. I took a large breath. Even though they weren't my relatives, they liked me and approve my relationship with Dirk. They would invite me over for big family events and actually want me to go. The Striders and Lalondes are very nice to me and it's sad to see two of them died. Dirk still has the scars from the car crash but because of him, Dave didn't have a scratch. I kissed the forehead of Dave. 

Dirk came by my side and put his arm around my shoulder. He cradled Dave in the other arm. For a human he was the ultimate multitask. Hugging me, holding Dave and the umbrella and carrying the baby bag. "You can cry." He insisted. Add good boyfriend to the list. I shook my head. "I don't want to. I don't want you to comfort me while you have a lot on your hands. Literally." Dirk sighed. "Come on. It's okay. I can handle some girlfriend time. Dave's sleeping, we got no rain in our scalp and we got some baby shit in the bag. Not literally." I chuckled. I look at his arms and saw the fading scars. I hugged him as a tear rolled down my cheeks. "I could've l-lose you and Dave. I'm not happy about Mr. and Mrs. Strider either. And Dave Sr. I-I would be alone." I sobbed. He peck my the top of my head, my forehead, my nose, my cheeks and a long kiss on my lips. He somehow wiped my tears. "Better?" I nodded. "Yeah. Can I have Dave back now? You need to talk to them one last time." Dirk gave me the stuff and I head inside to give the poor guy sometime alone with his parents and his brother. 

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