Chapter 2

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Nino’s POV

“…and I am here to offer you a full-ride scholarship to join our school.” I froze when I heard that. Is she kidding right now?

“I’m sorry?”

She smiled and took out a paper document from the file she was holding.

“I rarely offer scholarships, especially to ones who didn’t apply for one, but based on recommendations I got from plenty of people, especially from Jagged Stones, Former Mayor of Paris, and Audrey Bourgeois. I was as well shocked by the way.”

I read the document, seeing that she was telling the truth. There are emails from plenty of celebrities. Am I dreaming?


“Bro! You are joining my school! Shut up and accept it!” My sis got shushed by my dad, but she ignores him. “Seriously! I will be seeing you more often than just on Breaks!”

I am still shocked. How is this possible?...
Wait a second, I just noticed that all those people got at least once a fashion clothing made by Marinette…

“Was it Marinette’s doing?”  I asked my parents, who were smirking at this.

“And you think why I came home in the middle of the school week, brother?” Rico tapped the side of her head with her finger, gesturing to use my brain properly.

“Let me explain myself in detail.” Mrs. Utile looked through her files again, taking out another document page.
She is organized by this lady.
“These people surprisingly have contacted me through email. I have double-checked these emails and it is confirmed that those emails are from the companies or assistants of the people who have recommended you. After I read them, surprised was an understatement.”

My parents are smiling at this, and Rico looked impatient as she wants me to agree to this already.

“I contacted your parents and informed them that they would expect Rico and me to arrive.” I glared at Rico for hiding this detail from me.

“Let’s just say, this school requires a lot of skills and qualities to be in it. Organizational skills, determination to study and do your work to high standards, and as well one more thing that is the most important quality.” She looked at me after she said that.

“Which is… what is it?” I looked at her confused.

“Very good grades in your subjects.” I laughed out of that part.

“I don’t seem to understand why you are laughing out of that part.” She looks at me confused.

“I am sorry ma’am, but my grades are crap.”

 “Well based on your recent report your parent received today, they are a high standard of requirement for our school.”
She handed me a copy of the report, and this made my head explode literally. Even Rico was in shock at what she saw.

My grades have improved from Cs and Ds to Bs, and few are even in A minus, well except science which has a C plus, but it is still better than before.

“We told you that studying improves, brother.” I am proud of doing so.

“So, Nino, you meet all the requirements for this school and a scholarship but there is one more thing left.” I looked at her confused, but she smiled.
“To you to accept it.”

Now I was stuck. If I would accept, what I will get? New start? No more bullying? Oh, wait, Lila and others. If they would find me there, they would try to trash me and that would be a waste of time going there. But if they would find me. Maybe they would? Or maybe Lila would be exposed that time? Or even I would be bullied in the new school? I don’t know anymore.

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