Chapter Seven

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"What's that noise?" I asked sitting up higher in the seat, Tristan shrugged, "Nothing."

"It was something,"

"You're just drunk," he said and I frowned sighing, "How long does it take you to fix a damn flat tyre?"

Tristan looked up at me, narrowing his eyes "Why don't you come out and fix it then?"

"I'm fine," I said relaxing back into the seat, resting my chin on the window as I watched him fix the front tyre. Besides I could finally feel the alcohol kicking in, I sighed as the cool breeze brushed my hair. There was little light but he seemed to be managing fine as I tapped my fingers on the handle, "Hurry up,"

"I'm about three seconds away from duct taping your mouth."

"You can't do that because I'll tell dad."

"Little snitch,"

I rolled my eyes leaning back into the car where it was significantly warmer and closing the window, I should have stayed with the others. Trust Tristan to end up getting a flat tyre, I texted Stephen asking if they were done, maybe they could come get us, or help, surely it didn't take half an hour for someone to fix their tyre.

I rolled the window back down poking my head out, "Do you have aspirin in the car?"

"No, why, wait you better not throw up in my baby."

"Relax," I said dragging out the two syllable word, "I won't throw up," I said and of course my hiccup had to betray me as he narrowed his eyes, "I didn't have that much to drink," Just ate to my neck and had twelve shots, definitely won't be throwing up soon, just, felt sick.

"Out now."

"What? It's cold," I grumbled but Tristan opened the door, which I was resting on nearly making me topple out and I glared up at his figure, "Are you serious?"


I sighed glaring at him as we had a mini stare off before I sighed, "Fine," I snapped undoing my buckle and stepping out.

Whoa steady earth. No need to move so much.

I got out as he slammed the door shut and sat on the ground frowning, how long is this going to take, I'm going to call a taxi.

"Please do and throw up in the taxi, not in my car."

"I'm not going to throw up, I have never thrown up before from drinking too much," I always just ended up getting a bad headache.

"I don't believe a word you say." he said looking over his shoulder and I waved laying down on the ground staring up at the stars, "I don't know how Carly puts up with you."

I references his long time girlfriend that I've met on a few occasions, "Probably because I'm not as annoying as you."



I sat up, a bit too fast making my head spin, "Did you just call me a bitch?"

"No, I said snitch."

"You called me a bitch, oh you piece of fu-," my swearing got cut off by the sound engine of approaching traffic and I looked over. I mean, I could swear, really swear if I wanted to, there was only one headlight coming, at first I thought it was a car, but cars have two headlights, so it had to be a motorbike, which slowed down as it approached us.

"Hey, you guys need help?" a voice called out, a very familiar voice.

"No we're good,"

"Yes he doesn't know how to fix a tyre."

"Saphire," Tristan glared at me, "You can't ask strangers to come help, what if he's a serial killer."

I looked at him, "Really? What are the chances, the quicker you fix this piece of shit," I said kicking the other tyre of his car, "The quicker we can go home away from serial killers."

The guy from he bike got off taking his helmet off and I looked at his, "Hey! Are you stalking me?"

Preston laughed, "No," he said as he walked over and I looked at Tristan, "It's okay, I know him, no serial killer,"

Tristan shook his head going back to fixing the car, "Do you know how to fix a tyre?" I asked Preston.

"I've seen it done, never did it myself." he lowered himself onto the ground beside me placing his helmet down between us as he leaned back on his hands.

"Well you should go because I hear will animals and we're going to get mauled to death."

"It's fine I'll stay for a bit." I heard Tristan mumbling and I looked at him, "What was that old man?"


* * *

"I'm not a fan but my mum is,"

"Why not? Football is great, have you been to any matches?"

I shrugged, "I guess." I said as I looked a the stars, I had no idea how long it had been, but long enough for the alcohol to go out of my system and Preston stayed the whole time and Tristan finally took my advice and called his car insurance people to come fix the tyre, so thankfully it would be done soon.

I turned my head looking over to where he was leaning against the car, not mauled by wild animals, and looked back at the sky.

"And you still don't like it?"

"Not my thing, and they get paid a shitload to do nothing," I said irritated, "You don't need to pay someone who plays sports millions of dollars and then complain the economy is shit," Preston chuckled from next to me.

"They're talented."

"Don't think they're more talented than brain surgeons who get underpaid or teachers."

"Hey Sap,"

I looked up, "What?"

"We're ready, let's go."

I grumbled, but I was so...comfortable. I eventually got up dusting myself off, "Alright nice seeing you," Again I added silently.


"Yeah?" he handed me his phone and I looked at it, did he want me to sell it?


Oh, right, I entered my phone number handing him back the phone, "Just send me a text and I'll save it."

"Sure, see you around."

I nodded waving half heartedly as I got into the car where Tristan was already waiting, "Finally." he muttered starting the engine.

"Would have been finally an hour ago if you just called RACV then and let them start the car."

"Shut up," He muttered as he pulled onto the road and look at me, "Do you know that guy?"

I shrugged, "Why?"

"Because what are the chances that he ends up taking the long way home, like we did."

"You're just being paranoid."

"Am I really?" he asked.

"Just drive." I said closing my eyes as I leaned against the car window.

Very short update but like exams next week so better than nothing. Anyone notice that a drunk sapphire = is a bit like Ivory. Team Tristan or Team Preston (even though Tristan has a gf) Will update soonnnnn

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