Chapter 4

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an hour later.
Everyone was in place. Scott and Derek covered their scent. Theo also arrived. He knew I would be alone.
-You're not going to start crying like last night, are you?
-What's your plan?
-I need a pack. You know, Scott's weak enough not to stab me.
-How do you mean?
- I'm an Alpha.
he took out his red eyes and smiled at me again like in the morning.
-Did you really think you could kill me? if that good-for-nothing hadn't come, I would have cut your throat!
-Don't talk about like this!
-Oh so you guys protect each other? So romantic.  I was annoyed by his sarcasm. I wanted to hit him. He started running towards me before he could hurt me Derek jumped in front of me. He took the hit. He immediately collapsed. Scott jumped forward too.
when he saw Scott he started backing away.
-Scott, I didn't mean it...I need a pack..
-I can't believe I believed you...I never want to see you again.
I crouched on the ground next to Derek. Theo fixed his gaze on me.
-It's your fault Stiles! You ruin everything. It happened so fast that I didn't realize it. He lunged at me out of nowhere, but Der lunged in front of me again and managed to injure Theo at his weak spot.Theo left as quickly as he came.
I started shouting.
-Derek, stay with me! C'mon Healing! Why aren't you healing?!
I saw that Scott wanted to help.
-Don't try! Scott, this is all your fault! Now Derek is dying too!
-Why do you speak in the plural?
-Are you really that stupid?! He wanted to kill me yesterday! He's been manipulating you all along!
-I'm sorry...
- You should.
Derek was barely conscious, I wasn't as strong as him, but I tried to lift him up. I took him to my Jeep and sat him next to me. Now we didn't go to his place, but to my place. I wanted to help him get out of the Jeep, but he wouldn't let me.
-I would like to help!
-I do not need. I'm fine!
-Really?! Then come on, get out!  he just got out of the car and almost fell if I didn't catch his hand.
-Don't be so proud Sourwolf.
-Thanks Sti..
-How bad is it? I looked at his wounds.
-Do not worry about me..
-How bad is it?
-He's an alpha. It will take me a long time to heal.
This is my fault. He's dying because of me. If he hadn't jumped in front of me...
- What's on your mind? he asked me.
We were now in my room. He was lying on my bed and I was walking up and down.I stopped in front of him.
- You're still not healed because of me... Why did you have to jump in front of me?! he -Don't be so proud!
- Thanks Sti..
-How bad is it?
-Do not worry about me..
-How bad is it?
-He's an alpha. It will take me a long time to heal.
This is my fault. He's dying because of me. If he hadn't jumped in front of me...
- What's on your mind? he asked me.
We were now in my room. He was lying on my bed and I was walking up and down. angol  magyar
I stopped in front of him.
- You're still not healing because of me... Why did you have to jump in front of me?!  he sat up and stood up next to me with great difficulty.
-You must rest..
-I already told you.
-Don't come with this we are friends text!  It's boring!  If I'm not honest with him now, I never will be. I took his hand and put it on my heart. I didn't hold back my feelings for him. I kept looking at his face, his reaction. I don't know how long it takes him, but as I saw he understood immediately. He felt my feelings for him. His eyes were fixed on me now.
-True? I nodded.
- Is everything true?
I nodded again.

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