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This couldn't be. His last Horcrux had been destroyed. Nagini had been killed. Tom stood still in complete shock as he felt the last piece of his soul rip apart.

The Boy Who Lived turned to face him with a determined look on his face. As much as Tom was bewildered, he raised his wand and dueled the boy for the last time.

The battle was going to be his victory. He was Voldemort. The Dark Lord. The legendary Heir of Slytherin. There was no way that he would be defeated by a little boy who just had a small scar on his forehead.

But the simple Disarming Spell inched closer and closer to him, and his Killing Curse started to fade away. The Elder Wand was not listening to him. Was killing Severus Snape not the true answer? Was the Elder Wand not truly his?

The Killing Curse started to fade away from his vision and the wand he had firmly grabbed onto, flew out of his hand and landed safely in the boy's. Tom heard whispers in his ear, and he looked down at his pale hands.

His skin was starting to disintegrate, and it started to peel off his body one by one. Tom felt like screaming. Was it in anger? Or perhaps frustration?


All he had ever wanted was to bring her back. To him, immortality was the answer. But everyone thought that meant he was evil.
He wasn't as evil as they thought he was. He just wanted her to be back.

He just wanted her to be by his side, safe and sound.

Was his wish that hard to understand?


Dueling. It wasn't his favourite subject, but it definitely interested him. Watching others fight always amused him. The Professor demonstrated a few spells before scanning the students.

"Why don't we do a duel ourselves?" she suggested. "I will bring two students up and make them duel."

She then looked around he classroom. Tom raised his head in confidence. Honestly, he wouldn't mind being picked to duel; he was a skilled fighter for his age after all. But he noticed that the Professor was looking at (Y/N).

Tom slightly winced. He didn't want her to be picked. He was worried that she was going to get injured. But the Professor had already made up her mind.

"What about...Mr Mark Nakila (made up) from Hufflepuff, and hm..Ah! Miss (Y/N) (L/N) from Slytherin! Yes, what a fine match."

Tom watched as (Y/N) left his side to go stand up the dueling stage with a nervous expression on her beautiful face. He was slightly concerned, but knew that (Y/N) was capable of many things.

Perhaps he didn't need to worry too much.

The two bowed politely to each other, and then each stood at the opposite side of the stage, and prepared to fight. Tom looked at them bluntly, but his heart was pounding like crazy.

What if she got hurt? Would he have to jinx or curse the student that hurt her, or did he not have to because this was a practice duel?

"3, 2, 1, duel!"

Mark attacked first. "Expelliarmus!" he shouted, pointing his wand at (Y/N). But (Y/N) raised her wand high. "Protego!" she said calmly, and the spell bounced off her shield. Tom looked at her, interested.

The Snake's Reflection | Tom Riddle X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now